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Eliana's POV:

During math the next day, Kira looked over Lydia's notes. "These are your math notes? No wonder Malia's failing."

I glanced at the notes and frowned.  "Lydia, what the hell?"

Lydia frowned as she read her notes. "Um, some of them are my notes. The rest I think might actually be a code."

"Which you don't remember writing, right?"

Lydia shook her head. "Not in the slightest. But considering my drawing of a tree led us to the Nemeton, I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us."

Kira shrugged. "Maybe it's like the Enigma Code the Allies used. Remember my dad was a World War II buff? And my mom was, well... in it."

Lydia took a moment to think. "I think it's a variation on something called the Vigènere Cipher."

"Do you know how to crack it?"

I glanced between them. "I would guess with a key."

As soon as class ended, I saw Scott and Stiles talking to a kid with a very distinct smell. Werewolf. Oh, Scott. What have you done? I walked over to them and heard Scott say, "Liam... We're brothers now."

"What?" Liam questioned in a confused tone.

Stiles groaned. "Oh, God. That's..."

Liam frowned. "What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me."

"The bite... The bite is a gift," Scott replied.

Stiles shook his head desperately. "Scott, stop. Please stop." He turned to Liam. "You, you, we're trying to help you, you little runt."

"By kidnapping me?" Liam asked angrily.

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you. Okay? I aided and abetted."

"And you two are idiots," I told my friends.

Scott sighed. "Liam, I've gone through this before. Something's happening to you. Something big."

Liam glared at him. "Nothing's happening to me. Nothing."

"I rest my case. Idiots," I said. "Seriously, Scott? You bit a kid?!"

"Shut up!" Scott hissed. "I did it to save his life."

"Oh, because that makes it all so much better."

We met up with Lydia, Kira and Malia later as we tried to figure out what to do with Liam. He'd survived Scott's bite and was a werewolf. Like I'd figured. Someone suggested that they use Malia's basement and she frowned. "I'm not sharing my basement."

"Actually, it's my basement," Lydia said. "And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time."

I glanced at Lydia. "She is still learning."

Scott turned to me and focused on the others. "But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them."

Kira frowned. "But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?"

Stiles shrugged. "I saw if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake."

"I'm in," Malia said.

Scott gave her a look. "We're not killing or kidnapping him."

"The let's be smarter," Lydia said. "We tell him there's a party and invite him."

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