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Season Four

Eliana's POV:

We'd made our way to a Mexican village to find my missing not-boyfriend/mate. I only hoped my dad wouldn't figure it out... Or that my brother wouldn't tattle. He had an annoying habit of doing that. Big brothers are so damn annoying.

Stiles looked around. "This doesn't seem so bad."

Lydia frowned. "It's not the town, it's the plan."

I glanced at her. "What's wrong with the plan?"

Lydia sighed. "Stiles, Ella. This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with. You're aware of that, right?"

Stiles frowned and admitted, "I'm aware it's not our best."

"We are going to die."

I stared at her. "Lydia? Are you saying that as a Banshee or that your  pessimism showing?"

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't wanna die," Lydia retorted.

Stiles groaned. "Okay. Would you mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions?"

I nodded. "Yeah, please, Lydia. What the hell is going on with Derek?"

Our voices quieted as we reached a doorway. Two men blocked the door and Stiles showed a large card with a stylized skull to the men, and they cleared the doorway allowing us to enter. We walked down a darkened hallway.

We stopped in front of two large wooden doors.

"This plan is stupid and we're going to die," Lydia stated.

I growled quietly. "Lydia!"

At the same time, Stiles said sarcastically, "Oh, thank you."

"Mmm," Lydia hummed.

Stiles glanced to me. "No signifying you're a werewolf."

"Are you trying to control me?" I asked.

"No, but these are werewolf hunters. Just don't do anything to signify who you are yet. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. But the second danger comes, I'll pounce."

"Did you... Did she seriously just say that?"

Lydia nodded. "She just said that."

We opened the doors and walked into the dance club.

We made our way to the bar and were each served a shot. Lydia tried to reject to reject them, but the Hispanic man said, "No. On the house. Most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."

Lydia dropped a brass bullet with the same stylized skull into one of the shot glasses. "We didn't come to drink."

The man took us into another room and we came face-to-face with a woman. As we sat across from her, she was working on a piece of cloth and was using a small, curved blade to rip the seams. Without looking at us, she said, "Severo hates this music. Me? I've always loved the music of youth. This kind, especially. It has a savage energy."

Lydia delved straight into why we'd come. "We're here for Derek Hale."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

I narrowed my eyes, resisting the urge to attack. "We know you have him. Word has it you can be bought."

"It's $50,000 for Derek," Stiles told her as he laid out said money in US dollars.

The woman looked at my friend in surprise. "Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese mafia?"

Severo and two other hunters cocked their guns. The woman, Araya, smirked and chastised us. "Not smart to come alone."

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