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Eliana's POV:

We made our way to the Animal Clinic to find out if Deaton had a way to save Mason. Scott and Liam arrived with the Surgeon and told Deaton what they'd found out.

"Mason had a vanishing twin," Deaton repeated.

Stiles shrugged. "Now we've got a vanishing Mason."

I shot him a look as Liam asked, "What does that have to do with turning him into a 250-year-old French guy? How does that even happen?"

Deaton looked between us. "Hold on, Scott might have something. Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone. That's what made him a genetic Chimera."

"The DNA was still there," Scott realized.

Deaton nodded. "Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well."


I glanced at my friend. "Think of life as energy, Scott. Energy doesn't disappear. It merely transfers."

Deaton continued. "The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world, but there are some rules that simply won't break."

Liam was silent for a moment. "So Mason can't just be gone?"

"Somewhere in Sebastien, he has to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory."

Stiles turned to the beta. "Hang on... Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."

"He said, "That's not my name.""

Stiles turned to his friend. "He finally remembered his name."

I nodded. "Damnatio Memoriae."

Liam looked between us. "That's what they wanted. They wanted Sebastien to remember his name."

Stiles turned to the alpha. "Scott, Ella, you two know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?"

Scott and I said, "It turns back to human."

Liam frowned, glancing between us. "What does that mean? Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?"

Scott shook his head. "Not someone... Lydia."

My phone buzzed and I looked at the message. "Lydia's in the hospital."


Stiles drove us over and I immediately ran to Lydia's room to see her neck bandaged.

Melissa walked into the room and I demanded, "What the hell happened to her?"

"I don't know," Melissa replied as we walked towards the strawberry-blonde girl. "Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it."

Scott smiled softly. "It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down."

Lydia nodded and lifted her sleeve to reveal her forearm.

Melissa shook her head. "Not there." She pulled the bandage from Lydia's neck slowly and positioned the needle.

Stiles made a move towards the door. "Oh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave."

"You're not going anywhere," Melissa said. "Stiles, hold her hand."

Stiles took Lydia's hand and pursed his lips. "Okay. Here we go."

Melissa moved the needle closer to Lydia's neck. "Okay. Here we go."

We heard a loud thud and noticed that Liam had fallen unconscious. Scott rushed to his beta.

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