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vi. The Woman He Loved

Kari took another swig of ale, relishing the way that the bitter liquid went down her throat easily. 

Halfdan had gone off, retiring for the night while Harald went with a group of men to join in on their festivities.

Festivities that were rowdy, to say the least. They were so obnoxious that Kari was sure that she would have heard them even if she were dead and five feet under the ground.

Kari watched as Harald laughed with the men, all of them singing their viking songs. They all looked to him to smile and to laugh. He was completely at ease with them, despite the fact that he was supposedly a king.

He did not act like he was their superior or that he was above them, he treats them as his equals. 

She winced at the bitterness of her drink as she took another sip. Someone plopped down beside her, a wooden cup being placed beside hers.

"I thought you were tired," Kari muttered to Halfdan, her eyes still on Harald.

A voice that was not Halfdan's replied, amused. "I do not recall saying anything."

Kari's head turned quickly, her eyes falling upon a strongly built man with blonde locks like hers. She immediately knew who he was. He was one of the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok, one of her half-brothers.

Her eyes widened in shock, before clearing her throat and shrugging, going back to her position before. "Forgive me, I thought you were somebody else."

The man shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips. "I don't suppose you know who I am."

Kari's head tilted to the side, a smirk on her face. "Why? Would it insult you too much if I didn't?"

His face contorted into a confused expression as if he had no idea how he was supposed to react.

"I am joking." She let out a laugh, trying not to show how nervous she was. "I know that you are one of the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok but you must excuse me if I do not know who you are exactly, I just arrived here after all."

"I am called Bjorn Ironside." He said before letting out a breath and looking at her curiously. "Are you a slave?"

Kari raised a brow at that question, scoffing. There was nothing wrong with being a slave but the fact that he asked her that before asking for her name was quite rude. "Is that something you normally ask a woman when you meet her? I seem to recall that you must ask for their name first."

"Who are you?" Bjorn asked, turning his whole body to look at her.

"My name is Kari." She answered, mirroring his movements. "And to answer your previous question, no-"

Her voice was interrupted when a hand was placed on her shoulder and a gruff voice spoke.

"She is not a slave, Bjorn Ironside." 

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