Falling inlove in nth time..

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"Have you told her?" I glanced up at Gray--she's the reigning Queen Bee and a certified bisexual--my friend since at the age of five. We were more like a sister.

I shook my head and looked down on the file of papers infront of me. We were on one of the tables scattered throughout the school. Being in college really sucks--paper works.

"You sucks!" Gray remarks as she took the sit infront of me. Her girlfriend, Dawn, take the sit next to her. I just rolled my eyes and busied myself.

"You know, Ken, or shall i say Kristen.." She says and address me in my birthname when i glare at her. Only Rain is allowed to call me Ken, that's her pet name to me as she is Rain to me.

"As i am saying" she continued, "Lorraine is as straight as an arrow. If you'll not going to tell her now, you're getting yourself nowhere."

I didn't argue with it. I know that too. Lorraine doesn't swing with girls. The truth is, she's a certified homophobic. She even told me to stop seeing Gray when Gray came out of her closet a year ago. And it wasn't easy to argue with her about it. I just stand my ground firmly that i won't turn my back to Gray no matter what her sexual preference is. Until finally, she gave in--just not to hang around with Gray and her girlfriend. It still pisses her off.

"Kristen .." Gray whispered worriedly, "You're already putting so much in this your so called friendship."

"Gray, i'm perfectly fine with it. You know the reason why." I said dismissively.

"Perfectly fine with what?" She asked ridiculously, "With her counting guys and coming back to you when it doesn't work out? Fine with her flirting every one wearing pants and call you to clean up her mess? Fine with her bossing you around as if she owns you and gloat about it? Fine with h---"

"I'm fine with any-thing and eve-ry-thing we have now." I said curtly emphasizing every word.

Gray just shook her head as i sighed. I know where she's coming from. I know she just loves me and she doesn't want me hurt myself any further.

"She may fall in love to anyone for an nth time but still i'm the one she's running into at the end of the day. She may flirt every hot guys but i'm still the one she wants by her side. She may boss me around but it is not her fault if i want to do as she please. It is us--it is all about me, Gray." I added in a serious tone.

"You're acting like someone's hero and it isn't a good sight." Gray argued. I tapped her head and kissed her cheek. I chuckled as Dawn frown at me.

"I am really fine with our set up, Gray. No need to worry about me. I'll stop when enough is enough." I smiled reassuringly. She smiled back.

Ken!!" I looked up at the direction of the screaming sound. I saw Rain rushing towards me--a tall, broad-shouldered, handsome guy beside her.

She literally threw herself into me and pulling me into a hug. I caught my breath and huffed a little. She giggles like a child.

I heard Gray and Dawn laughed behind me. Realizing whom i'm with, Rain pulled me up and grabbed me few meters away my friends.

"Why are you with that dyke again? You might acquire her disease." I frown at her dirty remarks towards my friends. She hastily wipe the frown out my face and straightened the creases in my forehead.

"Her sexuality is not contagious and please stop naming her names, especially branding her as if she's any less different just because she's having a girlfriend." I said irritably.

She just shrugged and did not say anything again. She's being careful not to push me to my limit.

"Why are you screaming my name awhile ago?" I asked. Her face lit up again in happiness. I almost rolled my eyes on her.

This scene is all familiar to me. It is the part where she will say "Hey, Ken! I met a new boyfriend material and OMG! He's so hot! I realized there's no point sulking over a failed relationship and here's the proof smudging my pretty face and i want to give it my best shot."

She smiles widely and just as i have thought, she started saying the script i have memorized already. I groaned inwardly. How can she falls in love and out of love instantly? Just last night she's crying like a baby and now!? She already have a new boyfriend material? Seriously that fast?

I look at my watch and shook my head. Wondering how she could move on in just a matter of six hours break up.

"Where did you met that guy? For all we know he's a psycho or a scum---"

Rain slightly pinched my nose and kissed my cheeks. It is her hobby whenever i asked her something she doesn't want to answer.

I look towards Gray's direction as she says loudly, "At least i'm not changing girlfriends as often as i change my underwear."

I tapped my forehead hearing Rain retaliating words. "At least i'm not chasing after the same sex. How disgusting. Burn in hell!"

"Yea, i'll burn in hell after being with my Oh, so faithful girlfriend. At least i was not being dumped!"

"Gray?!!" I almost caught my breath and glare at my friend who didn't even seem a bit guilty. Before i could stop her, she already blurted out her parting remarks.

"Once you've hurt Kristen, I'll make sure to drag you in hell, Mckenzie!!"

I watched as she walks away as Rain shouts in anger and looking at me for appeal. I just shrugged my shoulders on her.

"How the hell can i hurt you? That Dyke is totally insane!!" She shouts in annoyance.

"I told you to stop naming her names. She's a very good friend." I argued. She wrinkles her nose and poke my forehead.

"And what i am to you?"

My future girlfriend!, i mumbled to myself as i paint the fake mask in my face every time she's asking me that question. "I'm your best friend!"

She frowned. "That's what you are to me. I'm asking what i am to you!"

I drew a deep breath and caress her arms. "My very best friend!" I lied.


100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now