Seize each second

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We're official! That keeps ringing in my mind the moment i opened my eyes this morning. This will be our first day. I can't help myself grinning from ear to ear. I even hummed a song while i took my shower. I even noticed how the sun shines so bright and even sees how the birds chirped as if they're also celebrating with me. I even noticed how my room lit up so bright. I feel so light as if I'm walking on Cloud 9. Is it the feeling of flying? I grinned again. I have a lot of reserve smiles and my happiness meter exceeds the maximum requirement. It is too much to handle that it bursts out---making me surrounded with nothing but pure smiles. Elated!

I pulled out my favorite T-shirt and my rust-colored denims. I have a gig later in our school fest. I can't wait to announced my relationship status. I have the prettiest girl in the campus. I chuckles. I went outside to grab breakfast.

"Someone's happy!" I saw my mom in the dining table. I grinned widely when i also sees Dad and my sister. It's a good timing for an announcement.

"Hey guys!" I catch their attentions as i slid in my chair and added ecstatically, "I already have a girlfriend! "

Everyone fell into silence. I can't explain the expressions on their faces. I bit my lower lip. Sheesh! I did not even give them a hint before that i'm into Rain. Now i blurted out having a girlfriend as if its a normal thing i do.

"Uhm..I.." I tried to speak but i don't know what to say.

"With whom?" My dad asked, his face has no emotion. Just a plain question.

"Uhm..with R-Rain! I stuttered. What if they are not in favor of it? What if they disapproved of me having a girlfriend? What if they turn out to be against gays? My parents has been so cool about everything. They might be always busy but they always make time for us and they had never been mad at me or at my sister just because of anything. So if ever they got mad at this i don't know what to do. But i know that whatever their decisions might be, they can't go and mess up with my relationship.

Gosh, Kristen! You only have 100 days! Its not as if you have Rain for real!!

After a full minute, i can no longer take the deafening silence. I have to break it no matter what might the outcome is. "I am just informing you guys. I am not asking for your opinion or approval in this matter, though i really want your blessing on this because you're my family. You always have the say on everything in my life but my relationship with Rain is not included on it. I won't turn my back on her even if all of you are against it." I said seriously. I frown when my Dad broke into a wide smile.

"Good! Because i won't let you to either. Rain is a lovable child and the last thing we want is her to get hurt again." He says sincerely.

"Yes, honey!" My mom agreed too, "It's a good thing that you and Rain are an item now. At least we are assured that Rain will no longer get hurt."

"Hey, I'm your daughter and not her!" I joked. I'm truly happy that my parents seem okay on it. How can i forgot that they always have a soft spot for her?

100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now