Logic, Love, and Dense..

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How can i say i love you when you seem to be so happy with someone else? How can i say i love you when everytime we sit down for a chat, you always blabbers how much you love him? How can i say i love you when every time i tried to tell you, you'll gonna say how much you love me being the best best friend in the whole world?

I stopped scribbling in my notebook when i felt a crumpled ball of paper hit the back of my head. What the hell? I'll gonna break the neck of whoever it was!

I frowned immediately and turn to look back for the culprit. I was greeted by a perfect toothpaste endorsing smile. Okay, i change my mind. It's love!

I gave my toothy grin as Rain wave a hand into me. She was sitting two chairs behind mine. After a couple of seconds, a knot creases my forehead. What the heck is she doing here? She's a senior high!!!

As if reading my mind, she pointed to the crumpled paper in the floor. I bet it's the same paper that hits me awhile ago. I bend down and pick it up.

Can you accompany me to drink later? I just got dumped again. :(

Alright, two break.ups in a row! I couldn't help myself but grinning from ear to ear. This is what i told you Gray! She's always coming back to me! I gloat in the back of my mind.

I looked back to Rain to say yes and suddenly guilt creeped me out. How dare me to rejoiced in her misery? It's just another blow in her confidence and here i am feeling elated about it. I sighed.

I don't understand why people keep on dumping her. Looking at this beautiful goddess, i could not ask for more. Rain has a combination of Spanish and Italian features--which can draw attention everywhere she goes. She's a real head-turner. She's not the type that you would take a second look on because when once you've seen her, you could no longer take your eyes off her.

But her charm doesn't stop on her looks. Rain is the sweetest and most caring person I've met. She may be rude and sarcastic at times but i know it is just a part of her and it doesn't define her whole being. And people must start seeing her--skin deep.

Rain stands up as my Philosophy and Logic Professor went in.

"I'll be waiting in the parking lot." She says sadly.

I stand up too and hug her. "Sure, No problem." Before i pushed her outside.

"Shall we begin now, Ms. Campbell?" My professor teased. I just rolled my eyes and take my seat.

And the class begins and ends with premises and conclusions-proving the validity of argument and all. Don't get me wrong, i ace this subject really and i am the teacher's favorite because i perfect all the exams in this subject. I am just wondering why i can't used this Logic in my personal life. I was treated as the most logical person in class but Gray says I'm the most stupid person in love.

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