Truth Revealed

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There is no way to lessen the pain when reality slaps you big time..


Rain's POV

I don't know how long I have been running. I just stopped until I felt no air that my chest ache as if it will going to burst at any moment.

I hate you! I really hate you!!!!

I felt my tears wet my cheeks. I don't know where to go. Or where to hide. Or what to do. I just feel so dumb being the center of all the shits happening in someone's life. Why life is so rude? Why can't I just have peace? All I want is to be happy. To be happy with her--with the woman I love. Why everything is all against me? Don't I deserve to be happy?

I am so sick and tired of all this shits. I helplessly lean on the brick wall of the house as i wiped the tears on my cheeks.

I saw her..

I saw everything..

I saw Ken talking to Mandy in the lockers area. I saw how they fight over something i couldn't understand. I saw how she held Mandy's hand. I saw the smiles and stares they are giving at each other.. And that hurts..

But what hurts most is when i saw her entered the same house as Mandy did. They were living on one roof. Or maybe, they are sharing everything that we're not.

My knees wobbled that i felt no strength to stand firmly. I shook my head in annoyance.

Love can only weaken you. It takes all the strength you thought you have gotten all your life.

That's when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the clouded gray eyes of Gray Lendramar.

"You're really annoying at times." She mocked. I just gave her a blank stare.

"Better not to start a fight right now or i should have probably break your neck. " i warned.

Gray whistled and lifts the corner of her lip.

"Do you really think you can do that to me? You're just a piece of shit."

I lifted my gaze and throw her murderously stares which make her laugh.

"You're really pathetic, you know. Everyone is so-----"

I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pushed her in the wall.

"So you know everything about her and Mandy!?"

Gray just smirk and not even bothered in my outburst.

"Everything you do not know."

"Then tell me!!" I shouts that makes her laugh.

"Why would I? Have you forgotten that Kristen is my bestfriend and not you? Why would i betray my bestfriend just to help a pathetic one like you?"

I couldn't control my anger that i slapped her face. I immediately lose hold of her.

Gray matched the same anger i am feeling right now.

"Did you know that no one has ever dared to hurt me?!"

I slowly stepped back but Gray grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside her car.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I asked when she started the engine and drive at ease.

"I'll be bringing you to hell. I don't even know why everyone tries to protect you anyway. You're just a junk!"

100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now