Finding Truth

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"I miss you!" I felt the gentle tap on my cheeks which cause me to smile. I turn on my right to face Gray.

"I miss you too!" I replied in glee and hugged her tight. It's been a while since we last go out for a chat or a simple walk downtown. Now, we decided to use our free time together since our girlfriends are both busy in school activities.

Gray wrapped her hands on my waist for few seconds and pushed me away in her gentlest way. She motioned her car and tugged me lightly. I just gave her a flirty wink when she hold the door for me. I slid in ease and she close the door before letting herself in the driver's seat.

"Where's the address?"

I pick out the piece of paper in my jeans. And read it out loud on her. She sets the GPS locator and starts driving. I turned up her stereo on but she turned it off. I look at her with awe.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked while her eyes are still on the road.

"Of course!"

"What if she finds out that you did this and you didn't even bother to tell her?" Gray's anxiousness is really getting into my nerves.

I just gave her a cold shoulder. "Honestly, i don't know. I just know that i have to do this for her. How about you?"

"What about me?" She asked back. Obviously not knowing the consequences of our actions.

"What if Dawn find this out?"

"Then she does.."

I gently nudged her right shoulder. Gray gave me a warm smile.

"Honestly? I don't know either. I just don't want you to do this alone. We're best of friends and best friends aren't supposed to leave each other's back unguarded."

I broke into a wide smile. "Thank you, Gray!" I said in my sincerest tone.

"Save that." She winked. "You know i'll do everything for you."

I can't help but to laugh at her. I remembered the day she proposed her undying love to me which i still laughed about whenever i remember it.

"Yea, you surely will. You love me right?" I teased. Gray gave me a flirty smile.

"Of course. And i know you love me as much as i do."

"Yea right!" I agreed in between laughs. This woman is a permanent part of me and there's no way i'll be denying it.

"You know Kristen," Gray glance on me before returning her attention into driving. "I'm happy that you're happy. I know Lorraine loves you too. It shows in her actions towards you. You're undeniably special for her and i can feel it. "

"I know and i love her too."

"But believe me, Lorraine Mckenzie is still trouble. You can never keep her for yourself in exclusive way. She's still the same homophobic bitch and i dont know if you can tame her or she'll just break you. I don't want to think of the latter."

"I know, Gray. And I'm trying to fix it."

I just sighed and looked outside. I couldn't help but to be nervous. This is the day--the day i'm gonna pick up the broken pieces of Rain's life. It has been two years.. Two long years of looking for her mom--until recently i got leads.

I know i am not doing this right. I should have told Rain about this before i decide but heck, i know how stubborn Rain could be. I'm sure she'll just shrugged it off even though it means a lot for her. I know how much she misses her mom. But she's too proud to admit it. Sometimes Rain let her emotions cloud her reasons. I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora