Bonus Chap: The Untold Secrets

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I watched the sleeping form of Ken as her head lay on the table. Her work surely takes most of her time but she can still find time to spend time with me. She's now working as an Area Manager of their Company. If you wonder why she is not one of the holding positions, that is because she choose to start from scratch so she could understand it way better than a brat who has a title because it was a part of her name. Ken just isn't that kind. She strongly believes in the fruit of hard work.

As for me, I'm still struggling in school. Finally, a graduate this year. Well, I'm still hopeful. I am not as intelligent as Dawn. Much more an excellent type as Gray. But through hardships, everything can be achieved.

"H-hey!" Ken's groggy eyes met mine. She's still sleepy as a fox with paper works scattered on her working table.

"Hey yourself!" I greeted back and help her arranged her papers.  "Do you want coffee?"

Ken's amber eyes met mine as she yawn loud enough.

"Why do you always look stunning?" She whispers with a serious wonder on her tone. I looked at her and gave her a smile.

"I'm always stunning because I'm irresistible!"

Ken chuckles like a child but nod as well.

"You were always my sun." She declared with so much sincerity.

"And you were always my moon." I replied and kissed her forehead.

Ken's forehead forms creases as she thinks of it.

"Sun and moon doesn't meet." She argued.

"But they collide! Eclipse."

"But it isn't always."her nose snort as she despise the argument.

"At least there's a time of their lives that they meet and collide even for a second."

"But I don't want it to be for seconds. I want it for life!"

"I want it too. Hopefully."

She pulls out of her chair and cower me with her slender body.

"Are you still not sure of me? After all the years we've been through?"

The seriousness in her tone is much way different than her childishness when we were younger. Now, she speaks with a gentle authority that makes me surrender on her willingly. I just realize her strong hold of me; that no matter how far or how hard I try, I will always be running back to her. She is always my sweet refuge, my home.

"I have been doing everything to prove to you that I really love you.."

I touched her face and cupped it like a fragile piece.

"You don't have to prove everything. " i whispered back.

"B-but that's it. I want you to believe that I have been in love with you the very first time I set my eyes on you."

I raised a brow as she bites the insides of her cheek. "What did you say!?"

"What? That I want you t-----"

"No..No..No.." I cut her abruptly, "The last part.."

She lifted the corner of her lip before answering like she's a child professing a crush on her crush. "I-I.., hmmm.. I love you since the very fist time i saw you that night. I silently wish I am one of the stars you're looking up with adoration. Well.. I don't know but all of a sudden i really want to be a part of you."

"How can you say that as love? You don't even know me. You don't even know where I came from. Y----"

Ken puts her forehead into mine as she meet my gaze. "I don't know how it all happen. It's like a magic trick that keeps me drawn to your charm. If I didn't know better, I'll be accusing you of bewitching me. "

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