Part 1

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The chilly November air was frighteningly cold as it swept through the streets of Seoul, brushing the leaves off their trees. As people walked, the crunching of leaves could be heard with every step.

However, no matter how cold or un bearing the weather was, it was unable to deny the fact that now was a popular time for love and marriage.

Currently, the Seoul's Bureau of Civil Affairs was both the happiest and most painful place in the world.

In the east hall, people got married and in the west hall they divorced. The distance between the two was a mere two hundred meters apart but they were like heaven and hell, two entirely different worlds. The joy of marriage and the pain of divorce, both polar opposites that can never mix.

And so, our story begins in the east hall.

November 10 is a popular day to get married because the day after is called "Singles' Day". So many young people liked to get married on this day so they would no longer have to call themselves "single dogs" the next day.

Although the lines were long, each and every face was lit up with uncontrollable joy. Couples embraced each other as they intimately whispered in each other's ears, promising sweet nothings to their lovers. The males laughed heartily, while the girls smiled tenderly at their partners.

However, even the joy of marriage couldn't stop one from being careless.

"Mr. Manoban and Miss Myoi, please take out your household registers, identification cards and other documents, please." The lady working at the registrar was forty years old but maybe it was because she worked in a place full of laughter, she still looked very young and had a gentle demeanor about her.

Bambam Manoban and Mina Myoi looked at one another with a slight smile on their faces before taking out their documents.

Mina had always been a reliable person so she took out her documents in an orderly manner and gave a smirk as she handed them over to the staff.

Her boyfriend, on the other hand, had been rummaging through his suitcase for a long time now, causing an alarm bell to go off in her head. Her boyfriend was extremely satisfactory in all aspects but when it came to the important things he tended to be somewhat careless.

"What's wrong?"

"Um" Bambam couldn't help but scratch his head in embarrassment and said in an apologetic manner, "you see, I, um, forgot to bring my household register."

Naturally Mina was angry and gave him a piercing glare. Such an important thing like marriage and he actually forgot the documents!

Bambam also understood that he was the one at fault here and hurriedly grabbed his fiancee's arm: "My dear, it was my fault, won't you forgive me?"

The onlookers who witnessed this scene, all young and ignorant, smiled and laughed, some even whistled in encouragement.

"Excuse me, but Mr. Manoban there are still many people waiting behind you so..." The staff member also laughed at the couple's antics and secretly thought about that idiotic son of hers. If her son could act like this Mr. Manoban then he might've brought home a bride by now.

But no matter how much she emphasized with the pair, there was still work to do and people to marry. So with no choice, she asked for the two to stand to the side for now.

Feeling the crowd's stares on her back, Mina was filled with embarrassment as she hurriedly pulled Bambam to the side while repeatedly apologizing to the staff.

"Just what am I going to do with you?" She signed in exasperation.

"Wifey~ please don't be angry. I already called Lisa, she should be here soon." Bambam coaxed his fiancée while hurriedly dialing his phone and praying that his sister, that lazy pig, wasn't sleeping in late today.

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