Part 17

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Maybe it was because Jennie was sleeping in the room right next to her, but Lisa was too excited to sleep. She felt like a cat was scratching her heart and even after counting more than two thousand sheep, she didn't feel tired at all. Finally, after what seemed like a long time, she was able to fall asleep.

When she woke up in the morning, it was still really early. She wearily looked at the time, she still had time before 6:30.

She laid in bed for a little longer, and then hurriedly put on some cotton pajamas, feeling thirsty as she walked out.

Jennie was making some porridge and had wanted to make an omelette as well by giving up after searching the entire kitchen for eggs.

Lisa didn't wear any slippers and she even deliberately tiptoed across the floor. When she saw that the room next door was still tightly shut, she believed that the other party was still fast asleep and crept her way into the kitchen for some water. Before she even entered, she could smell the light fragrance from the porridge.

Jennie was preparing breakfast.

The morning sun hit Jennie's side profile, allowing one to see her dimples faintly. Her long black here was tied up simply with a rubber band and there was some hair scattered across her face. Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing a dainty white arm.

Every moment she made was full of grace and elegance, leaving Lisa dumbfound.

Jennie seemed to notice Lisa's eyes on her and looked up. She then glanced at her up and down and then lowered her head: "Go get dressed and then come and eat something.

Lisa heard her words, but her mind was still groggy after waking up, so the words didn't soak in.

Walking over, Lisa sat on the counter, right in front of Jennie. She smiled, "So Teacher Kim knows how to cook."

Jennie looked up and then immediately lowered her head again and whispered, "I only know how to make a few simple dishes."

"Oh," Lisa nodded and then suddenly remembered that she didn't have many ingredients. And looking at Jennie's current state, she probably didn't go out to buy any food. She then moved closer to see how Jennie was able to make any from the sparse ingredients she did have.

"Do you have any eggs? The only thing I found was some rice." Jennie asked with a frown.

"Uh, I don't think there are any." Lisa blinked twice. Not to mention eggs, she didn't even know that there was still some rice left in her apartment. She smiled embarrassingly.

Oh, thinking about it, her mother seemed to have brought over some cooking utensils a week ago. Did that mean the rice was delivered then? For the first time, she felt that her mother had great foresight. Otherwise, she would've been seen as a good-for-nothing who couldn't even take care of themself.

"I still think you should change your clothes, or you'll catch a cold." Jennie continued, looking somewhat uncomfortable.

"But you're sweating." Lisa didn't care and waved her hand. The heater was on and it didn't feel cold at all. Furthermore, she liked watching Jennie cook because to her it was pure enjoyment.

Jennie glanced at her again. Lisa licked her lips, feeling parched. She walked towards the refrigerator and picked up a bottle of Coke and at the same, stole a look at Jennie.

Wait, when did she become so afraid of being caught? In an aggressive manner, she opened the bottle and drank, but almost choked in the process.

Jennie: "...."

Jennie originally wanted to scold Lisa about the lipstick print from yesterday. However, this abrupt interruption caused her to forget.

Lisa went to the bathroom to clean up and then looked down at her pajamas. I think this looks pretty good on me, it's pretty tempting.

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