Part 33

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Time passed and Lisa and Seulgi's trip came to an end. Although Steven was reluctant to let them leave, they eventually returned to Seoul shortly after the Lantern Festival ended . They came back during the season when the school had started again and the third-years were drowning under the heavy workload.

Although Jennie didn't say anything about their relationship during that fateful New Year Eve's day, Lisa knew that their relationship definitely has changed for the better.

"In three months' time, the college entrance exams will begin. Third-years, do not be discouraged and continue to work hard. Do not be nervous and believe in yourself, for that is the only way to win!"

The teacher, who was the head of the third-years, spat out his words fiercely from the podium. Meanwhile, the students were freezing their butts off below, the words flying straight over their heads. The kids had just returned from winter vacation and after being let alone for so long, they still haven't recovered to being back to school.

"I wonder how they'll motivate the kids this year?"

"I think it'll be better to ask, how will they motivate the teachers?"

Chahee shrank into her scarf as a cold wind softly blew by. This small circle consisted of teachers who were familiar with each other, so they whispered amongst themselves without fear even as the man on stage continued to talk. Chahee huddled closer to Jennie and said with a bitter face, "I heard that this year they're going to make them run about 3000 meters.

Jennie was in the middle of a daydream and it took her some time to process the words spoken by the person next to her.

At Mingxing, they had a tradition of 'motivating' the students with special activities a few months before the entrance exams. For example, a few years ago they made every third-year climb the snowy Tianfeng mountains, and last year they were forced to compete in a marathon. Each and every time it would end with the students in a half-dead state, and it really made one wonder what the true purpose of these activities was.

Furthermore, since Jennie and Chahee were on the younger side, they had to participate as well. So they were quite curious about this year's activity as well.

"3000 meters? That's a lot simpler than last year." Jennie's physique was not bad, but to suddenly run 3000 meters without any preparation and to encourage students at the same time was a bit tiring.

Chahee sighed and looked around before whispering again: "Although the distance is much shorter, I heard that they added some cruel rules this time. Apparently they are asking for parents or relatives to participate with the students. They said this was to show the kids that they are not fighting alone and that there is always someone supporting them. They're also going to tie a red ribbon around the parents and students so it'll force them to run together." She continued,

"Just who was the person that came up with these rules? I'm betting that the parents will end up dead by the end of it." Chahee complained bitterly but then felt a chill go down her back. She turned around to see Teacher Shin Jimin giving them an intense glare.

Jennie and Chahee glanced at each other. They got caught red-handed.

"Teacher Kim, Teacher Xu, I guess I will be with you guys this time." Mino whispered quietly beside them. If he remembered correctly, Chahee's husband was not very athletic and would definitely not participate in this activity. Additionally, Teacher Kim's wife seemed like an unreliable womanizer who probably wouldn't even show up to the activity. Plus, he believed that the photo he sent last time probably caused a crack to form in Jennie's already unstable marriage.

Chahee examined him. Mino seemed like a gentleman and a man in great shape. She also didn't care too much and just nodded.

"I need to see if any of the parents of my students can't come first. If they don't have a relative that can participate then I'll need to help them." Jennie glanced at the crowd of students. Generally, the students at Mingxing came from better backgrounds than most so it wasn't rare for their parents to be working abroad. It would also be too exhausting if they made their grandparents participate, so she can be their replacement.

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