Part 28

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Thinking that Jennie was ignoring her, Lisa thought that she might've fallen asleep. She turned to her side and turned off the lamp, placed her phone on the bedside table, put on the sleep mask she got from the hotel staff and prepared to sleep as well.

Lisa had quite a hectic day and the bed was incredibly soft. At first, she thought that she would be unable to sleep because Kim was Jennie lying beside her and she'll be unable to contain her excitement. However, with Jennie's familiar and calming scent filling her nose, her heart settled and she couldn't keep her exhaustion at bay.

A few moments later, she was fast asleep.

On the other hand, Jennie had just listened to Lisa pour out her feelings and this caused her own heart to feel strange. As she was lost in her own thoughts, suddenly she heard shallow breathing from the person beside her. Slowly, she turned gently to her right. She wanted to see Lisa's sleeping face. However, the hotel prided itself on the state of the art technology so that when the lights are off, it is almost completely dark. She could only vaguely see Lisa's outline and could smell the light fragrance of the rose bath drifting off of her.

Jennie moved closer, almost to the point where she could feel Lisa's breaths on her.

The sleeping Lisa only felt that her neck feel slightly itchy and unconsciously push whatever was bothering her away and then flipped over to her other side.


Jennie was in great pain and her brows furrowed together. However, she was afraid to disturb Lisa and hurriedly covered her mouth as she touched her head.

Lisa had accidentally pulled on Jennie's hair when her nails caught on them and so now Jennie's hairline area felt a little sore. She gave Lisa a silent glare. She looks so thin and frail so how come she is so strong?

With this one move, her strange thoughts disappeared and a little afraid that Lisa might accidentally punch her or something, she moved a little further away. A little space opened up between the two.

The wind outside roared fiercely but it did nothing to the warmth inside the room.

Jennie rubbed her eyes blearily and picked up her phone lying on the table. It was seven o'clock, about half an hour later than she usually would wake up.

In order to create the most optimal atmosphere, the hotel purposely installed blinds that kept the light out. It was still early so it looked like it was still night time.

Jennie turned her head to glance at the Lisa still sleeping soundly next to her. She was in the same sleeping position and although her sleep mask covered most of her face, her small mouth and long nose were still exposed.

After staring at her for a while, Jennie whispered, "Her looks are good."

Too bad she's such a sweet talker.

Jennie didn't like to disturb others, especially if they're sleeping, and after laying there on the bed for half an hour without feeling sleepy, she got up.

She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on some light makeup. Lisa seemed to hear the noise but only stirred a little and didn't show any signs of waking up.

"Is she that tired?" Jennie shrugged and put on her scarf. She wanted to look around Beilin for a bit and maybe buy some breakfast along the way.

Jennie carefully opened the door and walked out. However, the sound of her high-heels click-clacking on the floor echoed in the quiet hallway. She frowned. It was natural that no one else would be walking in the halls because, after all, the guests at the love hotel would not get up as early as she did. As for the reason why....that caused her to blush a bit.

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