Part 19

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Lisa and Seulgi were dragged to a restaurant for dinner. It was down the mountain and quite a distance away. Moonbyul and Solar were big drinkers and even Lisa, who claimed to be a good drinker, trembled in front of the amount they were drinking.

Fortunately, the couple thought that the two couldn't drink and didn't force them to.

After dinner, Lisa and Seulgi went back to a hotel.

The hotel was booked for them by Moonbyul and Lisa specifically asked for a double room. This caused Seulgi to feel somewhat sad. In the past, when they went to the hot springs they would take baths together and even shared a bed. Now apparently that's taboo....

Lisa wanted to go back as early as possible to her Jennie, so she contacted Little Mu as soon as they entered the hotel.

While Seulgi took a shower, Lisa looked through some of Little Mu's designs while wiping her hair with a towel. Little Mu was a classmate of theirs and had a good relationship with Lisa.

Lisa had called her and asked what things she needed to avoid in the design.

After the consultation, she twirled her pen, thinking. Since her fingers were long and flexible, no matter which way she spun it, the pen wouldn't fall. It was quite a dazzling performance.

As Seulgi watched her, she thought about when the last time Lisa stayed up all night. That was almost over a year ago, the last time they worked together. Although many people thought that Lisa was unreliable because of her easy-going personality, Seulgi knew better than anybody that when Lisa takes up a design job, she devotes her entire being into it.

And because of that obsessive personality, she would lock herself up in her room for a week or two and wouldn't even wash her hair for weeks sometimes. If a person wanted the perfect example of a workaholic, then they needn't look any farther, there was one right in front of her.

Seulgi shook her head once and started her own work.

For the next half of the month, Lisa did not take a single step outside unless it was to take a look at the construction progress. For several days, she would stay up until three in the morning and woke up early around seven or eight to discuss her plans with Moonbyul.

Even during meals, although she yawned and was clearly exhausted, she would check in with Jackson to make sure the restaurant was running smoothly during this hectic holiday season. And as for Jennie, she would occasionally call her and say a few words, but it was only during those times that Lisa acted like her usual unrestrained self.

Seulgi was in a similar situation, but at least she could catch some sleep during the car ride up the mountain. However, Lisa was quite picky with several unrealistic requirements for where and when she could sleep. If the car shakes even a little bit, Lisa would wake up immediately. Plus, after staying up late for many nights in a row, her body had become familiar with this new sleep schedule.

Seeing Lisa with dark circles underneath her eyes and her noticeably thinner body, Seulgi tried to persuade her not to work so hard, but she wouldn't listen. Therefore, Seulgi could only order more of Lisa's favorite food in hopes that she would eat more, otherwise, Lisa's body would give out at any moment.

In the end, they finished their project in that half of a month. Moonbyul was extremely grateful and rewarded them with a lot of extra money, their pockets loaded as they returned home.

Ever since they got on the bullet train, Lisa's only thoughts were about what Jennie had wanted from her before she left. So a silly smile hung across her face as she stared out the window.

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