Part 25

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When Lisa returned home, it was already past one at night. Afraid that she would wake the other two up, she turned on her phone's flashlight and tiptoed slowly towards her room like a thief. Then she glanced at the sofa and saw a figure sitting there causing her to jump back in fright.

She walked closer and it turned out to be Jennie.

Lisa wondered as to why she was sleeping on the sofa. Could it be that after hearing about that piece of scum's marriage she got depressed and....she leaned closer and sniffed. There was no alcohol scent on her.

She shook her head and turned on the lamp. She leaned down and picked her up. Recently, she had gotten a little thinner, so she struggled to princess carry Jennie back to her bedroom. It seems like Jennie was really tired because she didn't wake up even when Lisa grunted with effort. She placed her down and gently pulled the covers over her.

Jennie's sleeping face was peaceful and tender, with some hair scattered across her face. Lisa squatted beside her bed and brushed the hair behind Jennie's ear.


The sudden sound caused Lisa to pull back her hand. Then seeing that Jennie merely moved but showed no signs of waking up, she whispered, "Jennie, that piece of scum isn't worth it. I hope you don't blame me."

Then she gently kissed Jennie's forehead. Such a simple action and yet Lisa did it so sincerely like she was kissing a rare treasure.

Lisa carefully and quietly closed the door behind her. She couldn't help but lit up a cigarette. She never did ask Jennie if she still had any feelings for that scum. In the photos she gave her, the two looked affectionate with each other and Jennie would always be smiling while looking at Jongin. She had to admit that she was jealous of Jongin. So jealous that she might go crazy. When Jennie was next to him, she would always carry a faint smile and anyone could tell that she was happy. Unlike with her. Jennie was kind to her, but Jennie always carried a slight apology in her eyes. So she was afraid, afraid of what Jennie's answer might be.

She didn't want to admit that at the time, her proposal was somewhat cruel. She didn't give Jennie a chance to think through the situation and virtually forced her into it. Perhaps Jennie had thought about it later and had come to regret this. After all, that scum did treat Jennie well during their relationship and he didn't even know about the child. Furthermore, everyone had an ex, so it wasn't rare that he had one too.

However, due to the Manoban family's belief of 'love at first sight', she had forced Jennie to marry her. With her own hands, she had cut off the last chance for Jennie and that scum to make up. Maybe she hates me now. Whenever she thought that Jennie might hate her because of that piece of scum, her heart squeezed in pain.

The next day, the dark circles underneath her eyes were a little heavy and when she saw Jennie, she didn't know how to face her. So she made an excuse about her restaurant being busy and slipped away. She still needed some time to think about what she had learned.

Jennie thought Lisa was still angry about yesterday, and before she could explain herself, the person in question had slipped away. Maybe she had really hurt Lisa's self-esteem this time.

Lisa was already in a bad mood, but she continued to encounter problems at work. During the New Year, one had to increase their purchases, but their suppliers still gave them the same amount. They couldn't miss out on this opportunity to make money, so she made a few calls but still did not receive any confirmation from her suppliers. Then she had to ask some friends to let her buy some of their materials. In this way, she and her staff were worked half to death and the usually lively restaurant became sullen as the employees dragged themselves around listlessly.

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