KSIMON - Sick at Home

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Simon's POV

I was at my flat, alone as far as I knew. I was feeling incredibly sick and I was just resting on the couch with a bucket near my head, ready to be used whenever (which was quite often). The rest of the sidemen had asked me if I wanted to go bowling with them, however I lied and just said that I wasn't up for it, I had some editing to do and that they should just go out themselves. I didn't want to hold them back or ruin their night with my pathetic sickness. As far as I knew, every single one of the sidemen were out bowling and having fun, which I was grateful for. Until I heard the door open.

I knew the boys were coming back over later and I was just going to go to sleep, however they shouldn't be coming back for another two hours. However it mustn't of been them since there was only a single pair of footsteps approaching the room, unless one of them backed out or forgot something. No. They said they'd shout me when they got home. I tried to get up to see who it was but I just collapsed, to weak to support myself.

"You really can't take care of yourself Si can you? You've probably been falling over all day-" I heard a familiar voice say until he suddenly stopped. I looked up to find JJ, his eyes darting from the bucket full of sick to my limp, vulnerable body on the ground.

"Oh uh... I didn't know it was you... sorry I'll go to my room." I said as I tried to get up but I immediately collapsed again, too weak to move, however a strong fair of hands caught me.

"Oh my- are you okay? Sick? Lightheaded? Do I need to call the others? A doctor? Do I-" JJ freaked out as he lay be lack on the couch.

"I'm just a little sick JJ... no need to worry the others-" I suddenly felt sick coming up my throat as I dived for the bucket and threw up. JJ immediately rubbed my back, calming me a little.

"Come on, let's get you to your room." He said once I had finished throwing up. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room.

"JJ you don't need to look after me, go and have fun." I whispered hoarsely.

"I do. Now I'll lay you in bed, get you some water, another bucket, we'll watch some movies and cuddle." He said as he lay me down on my bed and rushed out, shortly coming back with two glasses of water and another bucjet, then collapsing onto my bed beside me.

"Okay here you go, you can pick the movie alright?" JJ said as he handed me my things.

"You're being too nice JJ." I smiled at him as I sipped my water.

"Only for you." He said sweetly as he side-hugged me, making me blush like mad, making him laugh.

"You know... I-I think we should just... put on a-a movie." As I grabbed the remote and JJ looked at me confused, thinking that the blushing and stuttering was an act until now.

"Do I make you flustered Si?" JJ said in a huskier voice than normal, making me blush again.

"I-I don't wanna ruin our friendship... I'm sorry." I stumbled over my words making his face light up, which I giggled at.

"It won't ruin our friendship Si, I promise, cause I like you too." He smiled sweetly and pecked my cheek, "I would kiss you but your sick so let's just cuddle and watch a movie yeah?"

"That'd be nice." I blushed as he came closer to me and slung his arm around my stomach, cuddling me. I put on the first movie that I saw on my recommended, however I had no idea what the movie was about or what it was even called. I was just focusing on JJ's hot breath against the back of my neck, his warm touch on my stomach and his occasional little chuckles at the movie.

"Can't focus either? I can't." JJ asked when he saw a bunch of spiders appear on the screen, knowing that I hated spiders and would've looked away from the screen, however I didn't even flinch.

"W-what makes you say that?" I turned around asking him.

"Look at the screen." He chuckled as I glanced at the screen and immediately turned back around and dug my head into JJ's chest. "I would really love to kiss you right now."

"I don't want you to catch what I've got, I'm still sick." I giggled at his pout.

"I don't care, plus your already acting better." He said in a deeper voice.

"True, it's half gone." I smiled at him, and before I knew it his lips came crashing onto mine. I sat there in shock for a moment before kissing back, feeling his smirk against my lips. I pushed back but let him be in control of the kiss.

"Simon Minter, I have liked you for awhile now and I want to make this official... will you be my boyfriend?" JJ asked me once he pulled away.

"Wait what? Seriously? I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!" I practically screamed as I kissed him again, however more passionately, taking him by surprise as he kissed back. This was the start to a new blossoming relationship together.

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