Emon - Hidden

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Simons POV

Recently, I think all the boys, including me, have noticed that Ethan had been acting a little different. By that I mean he doesn't wanna participate as much in videos that require physical energy. He had also been walking clutching his lower right side a little when he walked, as well as leaving mid shoot for the toilet a lot more regularly. Only me, Josh and Vik noticed these little gestures as the others didn't much, brushing it off and thinking nothing of his different ways.

"Si I think you should check on him." Josh said as Ethan called a quick break as he ran to the toilet, Vik agreed, knowing I was one of the closest to Ethan out of the three of us.

"Okay wait there." I said as I acted as I needed the toilet too, following Ethan to the bathroom. I opened the door silently, not wanting to alert him as I heard... vomiting?

"Eth?" I called as he finished.

"Yeah what's up?" He acted normally.

"I heard you vomiting, why haven't you told anyone?" I asked him as he unlocked his bathroom stall and walked out, he looked terrible.

"No need to worry anyone."

"Ethan, everyone's noticed you've been acting different. Me, Josh and Vik also noticed your sudden regular bathroom breaks, that you clutch your side when you walk and you don't like doing anything physical anymore, please just tell me what's going on E..." I said softly, approaching him as a tear slipped out of his eye.

"I-I think I've burst my appendix but... I'll need to have surgery and- well since a kid I hate surgery, it's one of my biggest fears..." He admitted, tears falling down his cheeks as I brushed them away with my thumb.

"If you don't get surgery it could get really serious, it's dangerous to refuse E..." I told him sadly.

"I'm too scared... sorry I shouldn't bother you with this." He said as he pulled away, going to the sink and splashing his face, I pulled him back to me and hugged him, my face flushing red as I felt myself getting hot.

"Please... get the surgery for me Ethan... I'll be right there with you, as well as the boys!" I assured him. Suddenly, I felt lips on mine, salty tears falling over them. Without thought, I kissed him back, softly pushing back, allowing him to take control of the kiss as he lifted his hand to my cheek. I slowly pulled away, taking his hand in mine.

"Will you get the surgery for me?" I asked softly, kissing his hand as his face dried from his previous tears.

"I-... I'll just do it for you." He smiled as we both blushed red as we realised that we had just kissed. We stood there in silence, gazing into each-others eyes, taking in each-others presence.

"About that kiss, sorry if you didn't like it, it's kind of the first time I kissed a man and uhm... I've kinda liked you for a little while... it's okay if you don't like me back though! I understand you wouldn't be attracted to me when your that handsome you could get any man or woman-" Ethan fussed as shut him up. Our lips moved together like a jigsaw, and... I know it sounds cheesy but I swear I saw fireworks around us and electricity shoot through me.

"I like you too Eth," I smiled at him as he blushed a crimson red, "now let's quickly get back out there and then we can book that surgery yeah?"

"S-sure." He got out like a school boy with a crush. I kissed him once more to tease him as I noticed him getting hard, I walked towards the door. "And after your surgery, I'll treat that how it should be treated." I said, gesturing to his boner as he looked down and blushed even more. I winked at him before strolling out of the bathroom.

"Took you awhile, go on what happened and what's up with him? Your blushing." Josh chuckled as him and Vik came up to me.

"Shit am I? Well uhm, he's burst him appendix but he's scared to get the surgery, I encouraged him though."

"How exactly did you encourage him?" Vik teased.

"A little uhm- kiss... but yeah don't tell anyone." I blushed as Ethan walked out of the bathroom, fresher than before, and without a boner.


I know that was terrible sorry!

 But how's your day been? Tell me in the comments :)

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