OT7 - Vik - Hidden Migraine

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Vik's POV

We were supposed to be shooting today, and it was supposed to be a long seven hours of recording. However once I woke up I felt my head explode as pain coursed through my head. My head pounded as I slowly stood up, pain increasing as I stumbled to the kitchen to grab some painkillers. I downed two with some water as I turned my phone brightness down and checked the WhatsApp group.


Simon - JJ calm the fuck down I can hear you bouncing round in your room.


Josh - Please chill



Tobi - case anyone wants 2 know recordings at the warehouse 11am.




Vik - Please stop

JJ - jdbwjwvisusvshsiwhsigdodjs


Ethan- Both of you shut the fuck up now cause ISTG I will murder you when I next see you both. It's early and I'd rather not be annoyed at you both today.

Simon - What E said.

Vik - What Ethan said

Josh - What Eth said

Tobi - What E said

Harry - fine I'll go annoy freezy

JJ - im off to wank

Tobi - you didn't need to share that information

Simon - what Tobi said

JJ - well I did so bye

JJ - And i'll say it again, now imma go wank c ya motherfuckers

Vik - Whatever I'm off to chill bye

I switched off my phone and just down onto the couch. This was gonna be a long day. I checked the time, finding it was 10:19am and we were meeting to film at 11am. Would it be smart to drive with a migraine? Probably not. I called a taxi before slipping three painkillers into my pocket, money to pay the driver and my phone. I walked outside and waited for the driver as he emerged around the corner. I told him where to go and then gave him the money for the journey and the rest of the money I had on me as a tip. I walked into the warehouse to see Tobi, Josh and Ethan being the only sidemen there.

"VIK!" Ethan shouted, running to embrace me in a hug as I fought back the urge to clutch my head at the sudden volume. "Them three wins you helped me get on warzone last night were great thanks!" He said as I hugged him back.

"No problem." I said casually as Harry walked in.

"Vik!" Harry cheered like a 5-year-old as he ran to me, Josh and Tobi just chatting in the corner as they nodded their heads in the most British way possible in a way to say hello, which i responded to by waving at them before hugging Harry.

"Hey mate." I chuckled as Harry smiled gleefully.

"Guess who packed Ronaldo this morning!" He cheered as Ethan clapped for him, I didn't really understand the hype so i went to talk to Josh and Tobi, at least their two voices weren't as loud as Ethan and Harry.

"Hey guys." I waved to them as they stopped their conversation and smiled at me.

"Hey Vik! Bit pale you good?" Tobi asked.

"M'fine don't worry, them two are talking about FIFA or something i couldn't care less about to be honest." I replied as the olders laughed while Simon and JJ walked in.

"You need some painkillers or something because I am gonna assume you have a headache." Josh asked as Tobi nodded.

"I actually hate that you two are observant." I laughed as i took out the painkillers from my pocket.

"Here's some water." Tobi offered me his water as I put two painkillers in my mouth, skying the water as i swallowed them down.

"Don't tell the others i have a headache or anything they don't need to worry." I assured them as we walked over to the others to talk about the video we were about it to record. By the time we finished recording the rest of the lads commented on my apparent paleness and asked if i was alright. I assured them all i was fine as they went by my word, thought i'm not sure they quite believed me as Josh and Tobi stayed quiet, which i was grateful for.

"Vik speak to at least one of us to tell us what's wrong, you look like you'll pass out by second." Simon worried.

"What about this, it's nothing serious just a little headache which I've spoke to Josh and Tobi about so please stop worrying lads." I said to them all I walked over to Josh and Tobi who were isolating themselves in the corner again, immediately stopping their conversation when they noticed me approaching them. Bit suspicious.

"What's up Vik, feeling better?" Tobi chirped.

"You guy will figure out anyway so don't tell the other but you might wanna catch me and hide me round the corner." I said before I collapsed, Josh catching me as Tobi's fingers lay below his.

"Why do you not want the others to know so bad?" Josh asked as the two carried me around the corner onto a sofa.

"Don't want more than two worrying over me." I murmured, Josh setting me down on the sofa as Tobi rushed to the vending machine, grabbing a pure water and handing it to me, which I took gratefully. I was too weak to say thanks.

"We're taking you home." Tobi said.

"Look if you really don't want us to tell the others before you argue let me carry you to Tobis car as well go to his place so you can rest." Josh said sternly as I opened my mouth to argue, closing it and nodding, my head swirling as my vision began to blur. I felt myself being lifted up as I was took out the back, Tobi telling the other guys we were going to his to chill.

Soon enough Vik was on a familiar couch, resting his head on Tobi's lap and legs lay across Joshes. They had given him some meds which he eventually took and relaxed.

Vik truly didn't want the other guys to know because he didn't want them to see him weak, only Tobi really saw that and occasionally Josh as the oldest sideman looked after him a lot. His facade broke infront of the two older sidemen but Vik don't mind that, he liked being completely comfortable and himself around the two.

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