Ot7 - Josh - Sick on a Busy Day

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Josh's POV

'Why today?' I muttered to myself as I tried to sit up out of bed, my head pounding. The sidemen had such a busy schedule today cause we need to get a bunch of videos done to cover a week holiday for us all. I knew nobody wanted to do it, I didn't either but I felt like crap. I wanted to call the boys and tell them I felt terrible and I couldn't record today but I need to go if I wanted to get a week off with the lads. I tried to stand up as I steadied myself on the wall and stumbled to the bathroom just in time more me to let out last nights food. Once I finished throwing everything up I found myself hungry. Even though I knew I'd throw it straight back up, I was going to try to eat something anyway so I walked straight to the kitchen and decided to just try some toast. Once I put it in I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket as I reached and took it out.

Sidemen Group Chat (3rd person)

Ethan - So what time are we filming the first video for the day?

Simon - I think its in 30 mins and were gonna film a sdmn vid and 2 more sdmn vids for the sunday were on holiday

Tobi - Yh sounds bout right

Vik - So, where are we meeting for the videos then?

Harry - Ain't it that place we filmed tinder 3???

JJ - Idk I'm just following Simon

Ethan - Of course you are -_-

JJ - Fam shut up

Simon - Yeah Harry I think it is

Tobi - Alright Josh why arent u typing ur seeing the messages

Josh - Cant b bothered and dont need 2

Vik - Jeez that's a first lol. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

Josh - Just a lil tired

JJ - Okay Simons telling me we gotta leave so we'll meet yall there

Harry - Yh listen to ur boyfriend

Simon - Stop bullying my boyfriend

Ethan - Wait what for real

Tobi - Huh

Harry - Wha-

JJ - And you just outed us babe :), whatever we'll meet you's there


Josh - Finally you came out

Vik - Took you both long enough.

JJ - How'd Josh know!?

Josh - Si came to me asking for advice b4 u got together

Vik - And Simon, JJ came to me asking for advice about you, me and Josh knew you'd come to us so we placed a bet of when you'd come out

Josh - Yeah and you owe me 20, imma get ready and leave now tho recording starts in 10

Simon - Oh shit that 20 mins went fast, yeh see you guys there

Ethan - Harry, Vik I'll pick you up

Tobi - Jooosssshhhhhh

Josh - Fine

Tobi - Cheers see you in 5 XD

Josh - Sure whatever

Josh's POV

I turned off my phone, my head still pounding as I went and threw up the toast I had just eaten, this was going to be a long day.

I threw on black joggers, a white shirt and a black hoodie on top before going and grabbing some painkillers, taking 3 and downing them with some water before heading out of the flat and going to pick up Tobi, hoping he doesn't take notice of how sick I felt.

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