OT7 - Harry - Tourettes

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Request by @Arianna732316 thank you!

The blonde boy woke up rather quickly as he swung his legs off the bed. Raining. Of course it was raining outside he's in fucking England. Oh well we've still gotta record that football crossbar challenge, if we don't do it today we won't be able to at all and the fans will miss out on Sidemen Saturday, which they'd be mad at. Leave it to the Sidemen to leave everything till the last minute.

The blonde strolled out of his room wearing his grey shorts and no shirt into the kitchen, meeting freezy who was relaxing on the sofa, legs up, watching youtube.

"Hey Hazza, great day to record outside right?" The lanky man grinned.

"Shut up Freezy." Harry mumbled, rolling his eyes in annoyance, he was already in a bad mood.

"Oooh somebody's woke up of the wrong side of the bed, whats got you all worked up?" Cal chuckled.

"The weather i don't know." Harry blinked, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he poured his cereal into a bowl, milk right after. You're grim if you have milk before cereal.

"We'll have fun cause i'm staying in my room all day." The tall man laughed as he walked to his room. Harry grabbed his phone out of his pocket that he appeared to have left in last night.

Simon - its pouring rn but according to weather it should calm

Tobi - Bet cant have any accidents icba to deal with someone in pain 🤣

Josh - fr

Harry - when we meeting again???

Ethan - make it 1:30 cause thats when theres no rain

Josh - so harry leave at 1:15 i beg cause im not standing in the cold waiting for your late ass to show up


Simon - JJ ur only on time cause u leave when i do

JJ - shut up fam im still on time innit

Vik - You guys actually woke me up.

Tobi - good it's fucking 12:36

Ethan - aight imma go get ready c ya

Josh - adiós pricks

JJ - wtf does adios mean

Harry - clearly never watched dora the explorer

Vik - It means 'bye' in spanish JJ 😂

JJ - well then adios you too Josh you prick

Josh - cállate por una vez

JJ - translation anybody???

Vik - 'Shut up for once'

JJ - fuck off Josh u bastard

Josh - 💀

JJ - that emojis what ur gonna be in a few years u old prick 🤣 dead

Josh - ...

Simon - calm the fuck down 😂

Josh - stfu JJ have you seen ur hairline??

JJ - rather have that than be old

Josh - yeah yeah whatever

Harry - i'm out peace my famalam

Harry chuckled as he put down his phone, Josh and JJ were such idiots but they can take it a little far sometimes. The blonde decided to save Joshes message of 'shut up for once' for future references so freezy or someone wouldn't know what he's saying unless they google translate which they wouldn't be arsed to do anyway. It's effort tbf.

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