MiniZerk - Anxiety

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I've had minor anxiety attacks in my life but not really serious ones so I hope I explain it decently in this story and please correct me if I write it wrong! I searched online how to calm someone from a panic attack and it suggested to do a countdown of the senses so that's what I'm using.

They all lived complicated and busy lives. They worked what felt like every second of every day in a never ending cycle of filming and editing. Every day fell into a constant blur of the same motions repeated.

But times like now they knew it was finally time to let loose and have a break. However they also needed to prerecord before the holiday that would be posted automatically during the holiday so they could relax carefree. But the weeks before were the most stressful of their lives. Some of the boys did agree that you need to work hard before letting all stress off your shoulders though.

All of the boys had lost hours of sleep recently, trying to record, determined that this holiday wouldn't be pushed aside like previous ones due to the amount of pressure that lay on their shoulders.

The trip to the airport was eventful to say the least. Simon, Vik and Harry forgetting some necessary things like their passports, leading them to have to get out of their own taxis there and return to the house halfway through the trip, delaying their arrival at the airport. Luckily the boys had thought of time for once and left the house much earlier then they normally would have.

The taxis were JJ, Josh, Simon and Vik with Tobi, Ethan and Harry in a separate taxi. The forgetfulness events left JJ and Josh arriving alone with Tobi and Ethan in another taxi alone arriving two minutes after the other two boys.

The four had put their bags through the machines and went through security and were now sitting at a few seats in the airport. JJ was in a world of his own, pulling a usual JJ with his sunglasses on, even though he was indoors on a UK day, leaving it to be a cloudy dark day, usual weather for the UK anyways.

Ethan's eyes were glued to his phone, most likely messaging his girlfriend. The two adored eachother and didn't want to go a seconds without talking to each other, but the boys agreed on it being a lads holiday.

Tobi was watching the TV on the wall ahead of the seats. Nobody else really cared at the moment what was on it, nobody really knew anyways, but Tobi seemed content with what was on there so everybody left him be.

Now Josh, he was a bit more complicated to describe at the current moment. His facial expression was anything but happy. His jaw was clenched, fists was drawn into a tight ball and his lips sewn into a thin line.

The other three lads were now rambling on about something Josh couldn't really care less about as the trio were completely oblivious to Joshes unusual state. The trio got up to get some food with Josh slowly follwing them, eyes glazed over as he stared at the marble floor. The bearded adult wasn't hungry in the slightest as his feet dragged behind him, however even though the idea of eating made his stomach churn, he wanted to act normally around his mates to show no sign of them having to be worried for their older friend.

He felt his heart rate slightly faster than normal, checking his Fitbit to find his BPM at 104, his usual being 74. He was currently a nervous wreck, shivers going down his spine as unnoticeable but frequent twitches ran over his body. He wanted to just relax, to shake off the nervousness, but he couldn't, which annoyed him even more. Why wasn't he able to be as relaxed as Tobi? Carefree as JJ? Happy as Ethan?

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