Wroetozerk - Attention

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Nobody's POV

"Thank God you came over Josh, he isn't responding and his doors locked." Calfreezy explained, stressed.

Josh walked up to Harry's bedroom door and knocked. "Harry? It's me Josh, can I come in?" He soon heard shuffles on the other side of the door as the door opened ajar, revealing a shirtless, tearstained Harry.

"What's up?" Harry tried to ask normally, failing miserably as his voice cracked half way through.

"You, can I come in please?" Josh asked softly. Harry opened the door, revealing his messy room and his bed, filled with tissue boxes and a bowl of sick beside the bed.

"Sorry if I worried anybody, just feeling a little bad and didn't want anybody to stress over me." Harry said meekly as he sat back down on his bed. Josh walked over and cautiously placed his backhand on Harry's forehead, he was boiling.

"Any chance you've got a thermometer in the flat?" Josh asked calmly.

"Third draw down by the oven." Harry said as Josh walked out the room, coming back in with a thermometer and a glass of ice water.

"I'll take your temperature first then you can have the drink, deal?" Josh asked as Harry nodded and opened his mouth, closing it once the thermometer was in place under his tongue. Josh sat beside Harry on the bed as he placed the glass of ice water on his bedside table. Wrapping his arms around his torso and pulling him into a side hug, Harry slowly snaked his arm around Joshes chest and slowly got up and straddled him, placing his head upon Joshes shoulder. The thermometer beeped as Josh took it out.

"103.1 degrees Haz, you probably have a fever, just drink the water." Josh read as he handed the glass to Harry who took it with one hand, leaving the other around Joshes back. He took a sip, shuddering at the cold as he placed it back down and buried his face into Joshes neck. The elder rubbed soothing circles on the youngers back as they both smiled contently. Suddenly, Harry's stomach churns and headaches had disappeared in the presence of Josh as he blushed at the contact from the oldest sideman.

"Just rest if you need Harry, I'll be here in the morning." Josh comforted as Harry relaxed more if possible at the contact and warmth, snuggled into Josh, letting sleep overcome him.


I know it's probably bad but I was bored and what better to do when your bored at 1am?

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