Zerkstar123 - Mafia Ball

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"VIK HURRY UP WE'RE WAITING! THE MAFIA BALL IS IMPORTANT!" His brother shouted up the stairs as Vik came rushing down the steps in a white buttoned up shirt, dark blue jeans and a pair of white trainers. He slipped on the second step as he went tumbling down.

"I swear you're so clumsy." His brother chuckled as he helped Vik up as Vik, his brother and his brother's girlfriend walked out of the house and into his brothers car. They were heading to the Mafia Ball. Vik had no immediate relation to the Mafia at all, his fathers friends brother was in the mafia and they hung out with Vik's brother and his father a lot, which kind of included the Barn family. Vik didn't mind his family being involved with the Mafia but Vik didn't want to be in it himself. He found the idea petrifying. But he didn't dare judge anyone in front of their face, he was too much of a scaredy-cat himself.

Vik sat gazing out of the window. It was an autumn night and the sky was clear, revealing a clear view of a full moon and a starry sky. He smiled to himself at the beauty as the vehicle came to a halt and the doors opened automatically. Poor Vik was leaning on the door however causing him to fall out, just about catching himself by grabbing onto the leather of the car seat with dear life. He heard his brother and his girlfriend laugh, as well as a view strangers chuckle slightly as Vik jumped up, straightening his posture and brushing down his clothes to smarten himself up. The three strolled inside, the guard recognizing them as they ventured into the busy hall. It was a posh place, black marble walls surrounding them with the golden cracked texture patterning them. You could just tell this place belonged to millionaires if this was how you 'casually' designed your home hall.

Vik's brother and his brothers girlfriend departed from the smaller and younger Indian. Vik stood at the side while they were dancing but Vik didn't mind because who might ask him to dance? He didn't mind the gender as he was bisexual himself. After he took a sip of wine he spotted a tall handsome man with hazel eyes and black hair looking at him. Damn. Vik didn't really care so he smiled at him with a small wave but soon regretted it when the mysterious man ignored him and looked away. Vik saw the handsome man stand up with a smirk on his face and stroll up to him. He wore black skinny jeans with a black buttoned up shirt half tucked in. Black studs were in his ears and some silver rings sat on his knuckles.

"May I have a dance sir?" 

"Of course." Vik replied. As soon as the two started dancing Vik felt the mans breath at his face which made the smaller find him more attractive for some reason. Vik had never actually seen the man before, he had been to this ball multiple times as well before.

"Excuse me, is this your first time here? Because I've never seen you before in case you're in a VIP room all the time." Vik inquired as the man looked at the Indian with a soft smile and whispered in his ear 'Mafia Family'. Vik suddenly looked up at the taller mans face with the realization that he was dancing with the one and only Joshua Bradley, the son of the Mafia leader. Damn. Why were the bad boys always more attractive to Vik?

"Nice fall out of the car earlier by the way." Joshua chuckled as Vik's face flushed red.

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