Wroetozerk - Sick On Recording Day

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* Request from @charlottesydx*

Harry's POV

I woke up with a start as I suddenly felt my stomach churning. Without any thoughts I sprinted into my bathroom and threw up everything I had eaten the previous night. I groaned at the pain in my head. 'Not today. Not today. I can't be sick on a recording day.' Are the only thoughts that coursed through my head as I stumbled back into my bedroom and crawled onto my bed, curling back up under the sheets. I felt my phone vibrating under my pillow as I pulled it out, scowling at the sudden brightness that hit my eyes. I lowered my brightness to minimum level as I found the notifications were from the lads on the WhatsApp group-chat. I knew I most likely wouldn't be able to go back to sleep even though it was only 9am, but with my headache which, to be honest I couldn't be bothered to get pills for right now, I just decided to scroll through their messages.


Ethan - So lads what time are we shooting? I just finished my workout

Vik - I believe it's 1pm we're meeting up.

Ethan - Alright where at?

Tobi - 1 at the place we filmed tinder 3

JJ - Ayo Simon ain't awake so imma annoy you guys instead

Josh - Don't.

Josh - It's too early to deal with peoples shit rn.

JJ - Someones on their man period aren't they?

Harry - I agree with Josh I can't be arsed rn JJ.


Ethan - JJ just fuck off and go cuddle with your boyfriend.

Tobi - Yeah how much fucking sugar you had?

JJ - A lil

Vik - How much is a lil?

JJ - Just a can or two of monster not that much

Josh - So you've had two energy drinks by 9am already?

JJ - Yes?


JJ - -_-

Harry - I can't be arsed with this shit rn im going back to bed -_-

Harry's POV Again

I turned off my phone and stumbled into the kitchen, deciding to test whether or not I could eat or drink without throwing it straight back up. I decided to eat lightly as I opened the cupboard and got out a loaf of bread, putting it in the toaster and boiling some water for some warm tea. I knew Freezy wasn't in this week as he was on a mini holiday with Lux so I had the flat to myself and didn't need anybody to worry over me before the boys might catch on.

I sat down with my cooked toast and warm tea at the table as I slowly took a bite of the toast. Almost immediately I felt churning in my stomach and rising in my throat. Without thought, I was at the bin throwing it straight back up. I stumbled towards another cupboard and grabbed the tub of paracetamol as my stomach was churning again and my head was still pounding. I decided to try two with my tea. I slowly put them into my mouth, downing them with two sips of tea. I waited to see if they would come back up, and thankfully, they didn't. I checked the time. 09:34. I needed to be out the door by 12 so I decided to grab a pack of ice from the freezer and rest it on my forehead, so later none of the lads would be able to feel how hot I was because I was genuinely sweating. I sat back down on the couch, the ice laying on my forehead as I put on YouTube, clicking on the first recommended video which turned out to be JJ's most recent reddit video.

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