Chapter 4

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*Underline* is in English.

Y/n POV:

~9 pm (changed from 6 am due to the time change) (0 hours left)

"Excuse me, sirs. The flight is about to make its descent. Please sit up, buckle yourselves in, and make sure you're bags are tucked under the seat in front of you. Also, make sure all tray tables are folded into the upright position. I hope you enjoyed your flight with Air Canada," the flight attendant tells me before walking away to wake up other passengers. This time, my headphones had managed to unplug themselves from my phone.

'I need to get a wireless pair. Maybe soundproof? That'd be nice,' I think as I shift my body to sit up before being held down by a heavy weight. Just like last time, I saw the white head resting his head on my shoulder while his legs rested in the other seat. 'Again? I thought I pissed him off,' I think as I use my right hand to lightly shake the sleeping man.

"We're about to land. You're gonna need to sit up," I tell him with an awkward look on my face. Instead of sitting up, he nestles his head even closer to my neck. My face warms up as I hear his voice mutters a few tired words.

"Babe... let me sleep longer," he whispers to me before groaning in tiredness. My eyes widen as I cough to offset my uncomfortableness.

"I don't even think either of us knows the other's name. I think "babe" is going a bit far, don't you think?' I ask as he rises his head off my shoulder. With his face only a few centimetres away from my own, his white bangs move to the side, showing off his jade green eyes that were filled with shock. "Heh... morning?" I awkwardly say to him with a small, fake smile plastered on my face.

Within a few seconds, he sits back up, puts on his seatbelt, and stares into the back of my mother's headrest. "It's actually night," he blankly tells me after a few seconds of silence. My face falls as my seatmate's stoic facade comes back up.

'And just when he was acting normal. At least, that's what I think is his "normal",' I think as I feel the elevation change. Not wanting to chew on gum, I pull out two of my day-old breakfast sandwiches from my bag. I toss one over to my seatmate before I unwrap the cold sandwich and shove it in my mouth.

"I don't-" the white head starts making me cut him off by snapping my neck to him and giving the sternest glare I can give him. I had no idea what overtook me, whether it was annoyance from him being a partial tsundere or the jetlag, but I was done with his bullshit.

"Eat it before I make you eat it," I firmly tell him, no hint of joking in my voice. Without looking at his face, I turn my head back forward and continue to shove the sandwich in my mouth. If I had only continued to look at him for a second longer, I would have seen the large blush on his face. After a few seconds, I look at him through my peripheral vision and see him eating the sandwich.

'Good... Because I have no idea what I would do if he didn't,' I think to myself, avoiding choking on my food again.

Within the next ten minutes, the plane gradually comes closer and closer to the ground. I watch as we pass brightly lit buildings and cars. It was truly a beautiful sight, at least to me. There were surprisingly more trees than I expected, but it was nice to see that the environment hadn't been completely destroyed for the sake of development.

"Are any memories coming back, Y/n?" my mother asks me as she peers through the small space in between the seats. Hearing her voice, I look at the seat and stare into her beautiful eyes.

OW! That Hurt! (Sk8 the Infinity x Male Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now