Chapter 18

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From here on out, chapters will be shorter unless stated. Lol, and probably much more boring. Apologies to those who enjoy long chapters. As well, my bad if everything changes from here on out or there are some plot holes. Anyways, nice to see you guys again.

Y/n POV:

"Y'know, for someone who rushed me into getting here, Reki sure is late," I muttered to myself as I turned off my car and step out, making sure to grab my mask and phone. Checking the time, my eyes slightly widen. "And 11:43 no less! Oh my! I feel like I've been stood up!" I chuckled, pulling my mask over my mouth and walking towards the forming crowd.

I let out a loud yawn as the fatigue from previous days started catching up to me. Of course, I would have gotten sleep during class if the teacher didn't glare at me the entire time. 'I'm gonna sleep like the dead once I get home,' I thought, my shoulders lightly hitting people as I made my way through the large group. Some gave me the stank eye, while others just ignored me. I didn't care either way...Until I ran face-first into someone's bare chest. 'Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...' my mind went blank as I stood perfectly still, my face still lodged between 2 pecks.

"Woah, there. At least buy me a drink first," the owner of the chest said as he took a step back. I didn't have the balls to look the dude in the eyes, not after what I had done.

"Sir, it's been a long day. If you don't mind, I'd like you to never speak of this again," I sighed out, my eyes not leaving the ground in front of me. Normally, I would be embarrassed out of my mind, but I completely lacked the energy to care anymore. After a few seconds of neither of us making a sound, I muttered a small "sorry", and walked past the buff man.

'God, I'm just out of it,' I mentally told myself as I continued to walk through the crowd, my eyes scanning ahead so I didn't repeat my previous actions. Normally I'd hit on that dude without a second thought, but something just seemed to be stopping me today. 'And that something's got long white-hair, is as tall as a skyscraper, and probably has simps all across the globe,' I thought, a small frown growing under my mask. 'Iwai Nobu, now known as Iwai the Asshole,' I announced in my mind, a chuckle escaping my lips at the thought.

"Oh, trust a dude you met on a plane and barely know to come into your house. What a smart idea, Y/n. You deserve a fucking Nobel prize for your smarts!" I try my best not to yell at myself, but I was getting more and more frustrated the longer I thought about it. My fatigue probably wasn't helping the situation either. "Man, this sucks major dick," I mutter, self-pity growing in the pit of my stomach.

"Well, if it isn't Pan's boyfriend..." an all-to-familiar voice called out to me, making the crowd disperse.

"You've got to be shitting my dick," I groaned out, my attention turning toward the makeup-covered man standing about 15 feet in front of me. Seeing Shadow again ignited the part of my brain that absolutely loves insulting others. "How's it going, bitch face?" I called out to him, my attitude somehow doing a 180-degree turn. The crowd that was once surrounding me stayed silent, waiting for Shadow to make the next move.

"Not bad, shit face. Did you lose your precious lover or do you always look like you've been dumped?" Shadow shouted back, practically urging me to walk closer to him. Though I had to hand it to him, his insults were slowly getting better. I almost felt insulted.

"Nah. I'm just sad your mother won't call me back after the amazing time we had last night," I retort, a large grin growing on my face. I could tell Shadow's confident exterior dropped slightly at my words as I strolled closer to him. "Oh, man. What a woman..." I sigh out, making a scowl start to form on the clown's face. I stopped walking and stared at him, the 5 feet between us seeming smaller with the tension between us. As expected, he started walking closer to me, making me prepare for a fistfight or some sort of staring match. However, he unexpectedly walked past me and into the crowd, leaving me confused. I turned around and opened my mouth to speak, but Clown-Face cut me off.

"As much as I 'love' our little chats, I've gotta prepare to kick ass in my beef tonight. See you later, Dionysus dickhead," is all he said before he disappeared into the group of people. My jaw dropped, his words replaying in my head. However, the crowd paid no mind to me. They all simply headed off towards the starting line, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

'Damn... what did that white-haired giant say to him?' I questioned in my mind as I subconsciously pulled out my phone to check the time. '11:51!'

"REKI!!! LANGA!!! YOU BETTER COME OR ELSE I'M BEATING YOUR SORRY ASSES!!!" I shouted as I ran to catch up to the crowd walking away from me. A small chuckle escaped my lips the second I fully realized what Shadow had said.

'That idiotic asshole actually called me Dionysus... What an interesting character development this is...'

*not edited -_-

Sup guys. I have officially been raised from the dead and have come back. But I'm sure zombies are never the same as their former selves and the same can be said for me. I can't promise anything cause I hate disappointing others, but I will be more active from now on. Of course with shorter chapters since that's what's best for me right now.

This may sound weird, but please kindly criticize me. Like I can't remember how to write the same, so if y'all have any tips, please hand them over.

Iwai may show up again or maybe not. Don't worry too much ;)

Tbh, I was heavily debating if I was gonna unpublish this book or completely rewrite it, but even the small supportive comments help, so thanks a lot. And to those who have private messaged me or written on my board to ask how I am, you all deserve the world and more <3. Thanks for listening to my problems and just being there.

But if any of y'all have been wondering, in the few months I have been gone, I've gotten a whole ass driver's license, come out as bi-gender and had an existential crisis.

Anyways, like always (and it feels good to type out again), have a good morning/evening/night!

~Kyra/ Kyran

(1141 Words)

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