Chapter 14

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Underline is in English

H/c means hair colour

Long Chapter

---AD BREAK #2 (3rd POV)---

"One more chance!" Langa shouts, his face slightly scratched up from his previous trick. Y/n simply laid on the ground, his will to live slowly slipping from his grasp, while Reki was humming a quiet tune next to him.

"Ok," Reki says again, earning a disappointed look from Y/n.

"This is gonna end terribly," Y/n mutters to Reki before looking over at Langa.

This time, Langa rode the skateboard down a slide before heading towards his h/c-head and redhead friends. As he got closer to the boys, Y/n's anxiety shot up, making him unconsciously grabbed onto Reki's hoodie. Just like last time, Langa's board shot out from under him, sending him flying towards Y/n and Reki. Y/n clenched his eyes shut while he pulled Reki closer to him, preparing both of them for impact.


When the dust settled, all three teen boys laid sprawled out on the ground. Reki and Y/n laid face up with swirls in their eyes, while Langa laid face down."Sorry..." Langa weakly says, making Y/n strain his neck to look at him.

"Sorry isn't going to cover this, pretty boy... However, I'll take a kiss as payment."

---AD BREAK OVER!!! ---

Y/n POV:

"And that's why you don't mix bleach and ammonia. Any questions?" my mother asks as I boredly scrape my utensils across my empty plate. As usual, my mother spent most of our supper thoroughly explaining her day while my father and I tiredly listened.

"No," my father and I say synchronously, earning a surprised look from my mother.

"Well, if you don't have any questions, how was your day? Shota?" she asks as I stand up out of my chair and walk my dishes over to the sink. My father straightens his back out before clearing out his throat.

"It was a bit busy in the office today. I met with the son of one of my old clients and talked through a few things. He seemed like a nice young man and was doing a good job taking over his father's position," my father explains before his face slightly falls. "It was a shame Kiichiro had to pass away. I can't imagine the type of stress that has been placed on Ainosuke's shoulders," my father tells us as I sit back down at the table. I resist the urge to throw my two cents into the conversation since it would likely end in the house engulfed in flames. It wasn't like I liked stressed-out people, but I was sure that the rich boy would be fine. "Anyway, how was your day, Y/n?" my father asks, trying his best to keep our family's conversation afloat.

"It was fine. Apparently, it's a trend to move from Canada to Japan since we got a new transfer student," I say as I stifle a yawn. "Even though I didn't get to work at my new job, I got to meet my new co-worker. Or I guess I should say co-workers," I explain as I fidget with the inside of my hoodie sleeves. "Other than that, nothing happened," I finish saying, conveniently forgetting to mention that I almost had the cops called on me.

"You look tired. Have you gotten any sleep since we landed?" my mother asks, concern lacing her voice.

"Uhh..." I drag out as I try to find an answer that wouldn't get me in trouble.

OW! That Hurt! (Sk8 the Infinity x Male Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now