Chapter 17

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Bold Italics mean flashbacks (since there are a few in here). Flashbacks will also be in 3rd POV. For anyone confused, the flashbacks will continue Chapter 16 in parts while continuing with the story. It'll make more sense when you read. I guess if you want to read the bold part first and then the normal text, you could do that too. Sorry if this chapter isn't up to par with the others or as good.

H/c means hair colour (ie: black, blue, etc.)

E/c means  eye colour  (ie: black, blue, etc.)


Y/n POV:

"Start at the top of the hill and skate down to the abandoned factory. Everyone shoots fire through the mine. We're talking 60 miles an hour at least!" Reki passionately explained as he sat on the top of his desk. I drowsily watched as the redhead rolled a fingerboard down his leg and onto his desk. Shifting slightly to find a more comfortable spot in my chair, I felt a sudden ache shot through my entire lower back.

'FUCK... I'm tired and my ass hurts...' I internally groaned as I slumped further into my uncomfortable desk chair. 'Who would've thought falling off a skateboard and staying up past midnight for the past two days would make me so sore and tired?' I sarcastically questioned in my head. Letting out a loud sigh, I turned my attention from Reki to the back of my new blue-haired classmate. It seemed that Langa was in the same boat as I, his chest and head resting on his desk, his attention focused on the loud redhead sitting to his left. If it weren't for Reki's excited rambling about skating and the legendary racing course known as 'S', I would've passed out the minute I had entered the classroom.

"Oh, and if you wanna sabotage your opponents, you can! Whatever you gotta do to get to the gold first!" the redhead happily told us, making me follow Langa's lead and lay my head down on my desk.

"It would've been nice to know that earlier," I muttered to myself before the bell rang through the classroom. Within seconds, all my classmates were sitting straight in their seats and facing the board.

'I guess next time I'll find a way to sabotage my opponent,' I thought as I watched the teacher walk into the classroom. I sluggishly sat up and pulled out my notes, my mind more focused on skating than what was happening around me. 'But how would I pull that off? Should I break someone's ankles or something?' The teacher suddenly clearing his throat snapped me out of my thoughts and back into reality. He gave me a slightly sour look before going back to writing out the formulas for acceleration, speed, and velocity. I let out one last sigh before copying down what he was writing. 'A kiss maybe...' A smirk upturns my lips with that final thought before I finally turn my attention to the lesson.


Silence fell between Y/n and Iwai as they rode in the car, Y/n calmly in the driver seat while Iwai sat in the passenger seat. The speedometer showed no sign of speeding up or slowing down, allowing the car to drive smoothly down the road. Y/n was unintentionally keeping to the speed limit, not wanting to make his passenger feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Not that he would admit to it out loud.

To Y/n's left, Iwai let out a sigh he had been holding in all night. Any anxiety he had about the outcome of the beef had vanquished, finally letting him relax. A small smile suddenly graced the white-head's lips as he looked over at Y/n. He had never seen the h/c-haired boy as calm or focused, despite them only meeting a few days prior. Iwai thought he would never see the day where Y/n would purposely stay quiet. Of course, Y/n's talking was one of the reasons the white-haired man was so intrigued by him, but it was refreshing for a change of pace. Iwai looked back at the road, his smile falling into a straight line as he let out another sigh, this one filled with content. In Iwai's eyes, everything about the moment the two were sharing was perfect... Until Y/n decided to open his mouth.

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