Chapter 5

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*Underline* is in English.

Y/n POV:

"Nope. I'm not going," I bluntly tell my parents as I shove more food into my face. I was still in the hoodie and sweatpants I was wearing on the plane. All three of us were sitting at the dining table while we were eating breakfast. And two-thirds of my family was arguing with the other while my father looked like he was fearing for his life. To him, it seemed like someone's head was going to end up on the table.

"You're going. End of discussion. You annoy us on the plane, you have to deal with the consequences," my mother firmly tells me as she attempts to stare into my soul. Unfortunately, you can't stare into something that's not there.

"We got off the plane less than... 10 hours ago. There is no reason to force me to go to school!" I exclaim, pausing in between to count the number on my fingers.

"YOU JUST PROVED MY POINT, YOU LITTLE ASS!!" my mother shouts at me as I start to ignore her ranting. Even if I wanted to go to school, which I didn't, I would have to deal with the terrible aftereffects of jetlag, resulting in me passing out. To me, this argument was idiotic, but my mother continued to fight against me.

"Would you rather me fall asleep in class on the first day of class, potentially ruining any good image others have of me, or let me pass out at home? At home, I can help unpack, but I can't do that at school," I tell her, trying to back up my argument. Her face shifts to one of annoyance as she crosses her arms.

"Would you actually help unpack?" she dryly questions me.

"No. Why would I do that?" I retort back, earning a loud groan from my mother. I chuckle as I watch her place her forehead on the table. All of a sudden, my father hits his hands on the table, making both me and my mother jump in our seats.

"Y/n. I'm gonna kindly ask you to go to school," he strictly tells me, his aura turning from one of fear to one overflowing with death.

Lightly scoffing, I stand up and take my dirty dishes to the sink. Even though I looked calm and collected on the outside, large, red alarms were blaring their sirens around my head as my three brain cells started to have a breakdown. 'WE DIDN'T START IT!! WHY IS HE MAD AT US!! I'M FUCKING TIRED!! I'M FUCKING HUNGRY!! Wait. What's going on?' is all they shout as I start to walk back to my room.

"Your uniform is in your closet. If you want, you can wear a hoodie underneath it!" my mother happily exclaims with a smile on her face.

'She is too ecstatic about Dad taking her side,' I think as I roll my eyes. Cursing both of my parents in my mind, I climb the stairs leading to my area of the house. 'I'm going to find a way out of this,' I promise myself as I walk into my room and shut the door behind me.

Quickly, I change into a red hoodie and black sweats, even though there were black pants that came with the uniform. I place the black uniform over my hoodie, leaving the buttons in the front undone. Looking over at my backpack, I see the light from my window hit my new pin. A bit of red and gold is reflected onto my wall like it was a night light.

"Dionysus... Abandoned mine... midnight..." I mutter to myself as I pick up the bag and throw it over my shoulders. I had placed the strange letter under my mattress, trying my best to hide it from my snooping mother. Placing it in my bedside table would be too obvious while putting it in my closet would be... too much. "And I've already hidden too many things in the closet," I chuckle out as I unplug my phone and shove it in my pocket, while I placed my headphones around my neck. After I check to make sure I had everything, I leave my room and head to the entryway.

OW! That Hurt! (Sk8 the Infinity x Male Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now