Chapter 6

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Long Chapter

Y/n POV:

Ding! Ding!

Ding! Ding!

Ding! Ding!

Ding! Ding!

'Oh, thank god! That was the longest class I've ever been in,' I think as the teacher finishes his lecture. As expected, I fell asleep in the middle of class and had to be woken up by the student in front of me. 'I warned her, but she wouldn't listen,' I think as I stand up and throw my bag over my shoulders. 'Time for my daring escape,' I sarcastically monologue while I head towards the classroom door. Since everyone else seemed to be walking out of the classroom, I knew no one would spot me leaving. Placing my headphones over my ears, I walk towards the front of the school, careful not to draw any teacher's attention.

"Wait! New kid!" I hear a boy's voice call out from far behind me. However, I simply pick up my pace and continue to walk down the hallway. I catch a few student's attention as I walk out the front door, but, to my relief, no one stops me.

I squint my eyes when the bright sun starts to shine on my face. 'I bet it's snowing or grey in Canada,' I think as I reach the edge of the schoolyard. Looking left and right, I choose to walk right and head in the direction of my house. 'Dad came from this direction, right?' I recall as I pull my headphones back around my next once I am far enough away from the school. Suddenly, I freeze in my tracks and sigh at my realization.

"Can't head home... Mom's there," I mutter to myself as I pull my phone out of my pocket. "12:34? School ends at 3:15. That's about 3 hours for me to wander the streets..." I sigh as I start to walk again. My footsteps lightly echo underneath me as a smile makes its way to my face. "Perfect," I exclaim to myself as I begin to explore my new city.


"What is a Dionysus?" I say out loud as I start to look around at my surroundings. I had put my brain on auto-pilot for the past half-hour as I walked around the city, lost in my own thoughts. Looking to my right, I see a skate park with two ramp-like things and a small cement block on the ground. It was surrounded by a small chain fence and overlooked the beautiful ocean. My eyes are drawn back to the ramp-thing with orangish-red paint on it.

'I'm gonna climb it,' I think as I jump over the short fence. I walk up the tall ramp and throw my bag at the top of it. 'It's gonna be real sad if I can't make it up,' I consider as I back away from the structure. Soon, I run towards the ramp before running up it and jump to pull myself up by the metal lip that was sticking out. I managed to get my upper half laying on the top, while my legs were limply hanging off the edge.

"Come on Y/n! Use those muscles you worked so hard for!" I exclaim as I place my palms on the concrete and try my best to lift my leg over the edge. "He stopped working out a week ago. He's weak," I tell myself as I get my leg over the metal lip. "Why did you stop working out?!" I ask before I use both my arms and my inner thigh to get my dangling leg onto the platform. "I was sad," I laugh out after I pulled my leg up and lay on my back, my body lightly sore from being pressed against the hot metal lip.

'I did it!' I cheer in my mind as I sit up and dangle my legs off the edge. I lean onto my palms as I look at the blue ocean, a sight I would have never seen in Canada. 'And that's on living in an extremely dry area or a desert,' I think as I pull my phone back out of my pocket.

OW! That Hurt! (Sk8 the Infinity x Male Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now