Chapter 9

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Y/n POV:

'You know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna say something,' I think as I stand up off the fence post. For 5 minutes, I had been patiently waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. I was starting to become restless and bored. My solution? Pick on the buffest guy and hope that I came out alive. ' Dad, I'm sorry. You raised an idiot,' I think as I walk away from the fence and towards the muscular clown-man.

"Hey Clown Man! Do you have a minute? I wanna talk!" I call out to him, immediately making him snap his neck towards me. The loud chatter coming from the crowd calms down as I walk closer to the orange-haired man. I walk around to the front of him and stand about 4 ft away from him. He glares at me before eying me up and down, his eyes widening in recognition.

"What do you want, brat? Trying to move our beef up to tonight? Sorry, but I have another shrimp to beat," he laughs out as I raise my eyebrows in confusion. I hear a few laughs come from the crowd, but most of them were just as confused as I was.

'Beef, beef. Where have I heard that before?' I question as I look into the taller man's black eyes. 'Is it...?' I think as I look up and the large orange mohawk on the top of his head. 'It is!!!' I think as I start to chuckle before it quickly turns to loud laughter.

"BWAHAHAHA!!! Hiro-chan, you look so cute in your clown makeup! That eyeshadow is really on point!! HAHAHA!!" I laugh out, quickly followed by loud laughter from the crowd. The smirk the orange-head had his face quickly turned to a scowl as he began to shake with anger.

"IT'S SHADOW, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" he shouts as he suddenly kicks his board under his arm and lunges towards me, trying to grab my collar like before. However, since I expected some sort of attack, I jumped backwards, out of his reach. A large smirk forms underneath my mask as I see the shocked look on the man's face.

"Tsk, tsk, Hir- I mean, Shadow. No fooling around outside work hours. I don't wanna have to keep rejecting your advances," I tease him again, earning even louder laughter from the crowd. "How did you even recognize me? The mask is supposed to prevent that," I question as I quickly move right, avoiding another attack from the large man.

"You're wearing the same clothes, minus the jacket, and have the same backpack on!! How could I not recognize you?!!" he shouts at me as he starts to walk towards me. His presence was stronger than what it was at the flower shop and I suspected I wouldn't have his lady manager to protect me this time. I instinctively start to back away from him, unknowingly nearing a fence.

"Soooo, what do you guys do here?" I awkwardly ask as Shadow started to tower over me, making me back up even faster. I start to feel my bag squish against the fence, preventing me from moving any further as Shadow abruptly stops walking. Silence fills the air before he suddenly breaks out in laughter and turns back to face the crowd.

"Did you hear what he said?! He asked what we do here!! HAHAHAHA!!!" he laughs out, quickly making the crowd howl in laughter. My cheeks start to warm up in embarrassment as the laughter continues to grow louder. "He doesn't even have a skateboard with him!!! You really are an idiot!!! Shadow shouts as he turns back to face me.

It was clear he was trying to get me riled up and he was doing a damn good job. He had managed to get a whole crowd on his side, further isolating me with my negative emotions. I felt like I was about to explode from the overload of anger, embarrassment, and fear flowing through my body. My breathing became uneven and my legs started to feel weak, but I managed to hold myself up as I glared at Shadow. He gave me an evil smirk, showing me that he was extremely pleased with his actions.

OW! That Hurt! (Sk8 the Infinity x Male Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now