Chapter 13

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Underline is in English

Long Chapter (I'm sure some of you will speed run it anyway)

A chapter for the Cherry simps who have been waiting for his appearance. I also apologize in advance for any weird descriptions. Enjoy!

Y/n POV:

"Now... how do I not kill myself with a skateboard?" I question as I scroll through my phone. Covering the top of my phone with my hand, I try my best to see the screen without the sun glaring off it. "How is it so bright out? It's like... 4 pm. Shouldn't the sun be dimmer?" I ask myself as I leaned my back further into the side of the skate shop.

Instead of taking Oka's earlier advice about practicing in front of the store, I ignored him and walked around to the back part of the store. Placing my bag and board on the ground, I sit down as I pulled out my phone. Leading me to my current situation...

'Maybe he hoped I would steer into traffic and get hit by a car if I practiced in front of the store,' I consider as I search for some websites on skateboarding basics. 'No... He wouldn't do that to someone who owes him money,' I think, making myself chuckle as I click on a website that had popped up.

One important thing to learn when boarding is pushing. This is how you're going to get your board moving. Once you have both feet on the board, remember to look forward, not at your feet. It's a good idea to practice the motion stationary first. Putting your front foot on front bolts, facing forward, your back foot swings up facing sideways on the back bolts. Pivot your front foot on your toes to match your back foot. Keep your weight over your front foot.

"Isn't that like the most important thing?"

The next thing to learn is stopping. Keep your weight over your foot on the board, not your foot on the ground. Do the pushing steps in reverse and lightly dragging the sole of your foot on the ground, bring yourself to a gradual stop. However, this technique is best used at slower speeds and will often ruin your shoes. Other ways to stop are to drag the tail of your board on the ground, drag your heel on the ground off the back of the board, making sure to not drag the tail of your board along with it, or combine the two. Another more complicated way to stop is a power slide, but these shouldn't be used by beginners and only after you have practiced enough.

"This would have been nice to know earlier. Those palm trees will pay..."

One more thing to know is duck walk. Take your feet from the bolts and shimmy them to the nose and tail as you swing yourself forward to take steps. This is a great way to train your balance.

"...Quack. What the fuck am I even saying?" I ask myself as I reach the end of the webpage. "Should I see a psychologist or something?" I quietly mutter before my eyes suddenly widen in realization. "I mean... I would like to see a certain psychologist again," I chuckle as I scroll through my contacts and click on my airplane buddy's number. "He is so gonna regret giving me his number," I snicker as I type out my message to the whitehead.

Mr. Loverman

Excuse me

I just shit in my pants

Can I get in yours?


"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I loudly laugh as I reread my message. "I JUST SHIT IN MY PANTS!! CAN I GET IN YOURS?!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I wheeze out, my lungs and stomach aching from all the laughter. My howls echo around me and travelled down the street as I felt tears of happiness form in the corners of my eyes. Unknown to me, my noisy cackling was heard by every business within a 50-metre radius. Among the many buildings, I caught the attention of not one, but two people in the calligraphy studio. One of those people was looking for a place that would hire him while the other simply sat in his office.

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