Chapter 30

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"Are you still ignoring me?"


"I got a B on my PE assessment today." I say, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of the man sitting in the drivers seat. This is the first time since being placed with the guys that I have received a grade higher than a C in any of my subjects and I was kind of hoping that they would be as excited about it as I am, however, despite sharing my good news I am once again met by silence in response.

"Oh, come on Chris! You're acting like I killed somebody instead of volunteering you as Nathan's shopping buddy, and from what I heard Nathan didn't even make you go down the health food isle, so I don't know what you're sulking about." I refrain from rolling my eyes at him, knowing that he is sensitive enough about the topic as it is, but seriously I just think he's being drama queen.

The side eye I receive in response only proves my point further, but I couldn't be bothered pressing his buttons any harder than I already have. Chris is probably my main ally out of the three of my guardians and despite the fact that he is acting like a spoilt child, I know that we wouldn't be in this situation if I had simply kept my mouth shut yesterday. I was the one who caused his mood so I need to be the one to fix it.

"I'm sorry, ok? I shouldn't have tossed you to the sharks the way I did, and if you can find it in you to forgive me I promise that I will make it up to you." I say, mentally grimacing at the opportunity I just handed him.

"How are you going to do that?" Chris asks intrigued, my offer of an olive branch enough to break his silence towards me.

"I could make my own lunch for the rest of the week, then you won't have to worry about making sandwiches and packing snacks before you go to work." I suggest, with a hopeful shoulder raise.

"I like packing your lunch, Kenzie." He frowns in response, momentarily taking his eyes off the road in front of him to look at me. "It makes me feel useful."

I have to admit, I have never thought about it the way before. Everyone within the household has their own little things that they do to help keep me safe, healthy and happy while I am living with them. Will, despite still having our clashes is my go to person for advice and he always makes sure that my education is well looked after. Nathan has taken it upon himself to be my protector, confidant and breakfast maker all in one, while James has taken the role of ensuring that my life is filled with fun and laughter, while also doubling as my own personal home psychologist and then there is Mitchell who is the glue which sticks our whole family together.

Chris doesn't seem to have a specific "role" like the others do. Most of the time it seems like he just flutters around the house being a ray of sunshine while stepping in to help wherever he is needed. If packing my lunch for school every day is the only thing he can claim as his then who am I to take that away from him, even if it is only for a week.

"You're very good at it, much better than Nathan and Will." I nod in response, knowing that the added compliment can't hurt my attempt at trying to win back my spot in his good books.

"Oh, I know." Chris replies confidently, mumbling something under his breath about their snack choices being an offence against my human rights.

"Ok then, I'll sit next to you during movie night tonight." I don't sit next to anyone during movie night. Ever. So offering this to him is a big deal.

"On the long part of the lounge?" He asks sceptically, looking over to me again but this time with a disbelieving smile. This offer has obviously piqued his interest and from the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth I can tell that he is about to cave in.

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