Ron's Dear Cousin

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TW: torture

This was a request from my original book.


Ever since you were just a child, your parents were killed by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange.

After the Ministry found out, they sent you to your only and nearest family, the Weasley's.

Years passed, you got your Hogwarts letter with Ron and attended the magical school with him, meeting Harry Potter and Hermione Granger along the way.

Every since that day, you four became best friends.

But since first year, Ron has become very protective of you.


First year

"Y/N..Stop eating too much, you'll get a stomach ache!"

"Says the one who stuffs chicken in his mouth..."


Second year

"Blimey Y/N! You like Tom Riddle??? But he's You-Know-Who!!"

"Who cares?"

"I care! Merlin's beard..."

"Deal with it, Ron. He's hot."


Third year

"Y/N, you can't play Quidditch. It's too dangerous!"

"I can, I will. End of story. Bye bye!"


Fourth year

"Who the bloody h311 placed you underwater???"

"Ron... Professor McGonagall did.."

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley."

"Oh...Uh, hi Professor McGonagall.."


Fifth year

"Y/N/N, are you sure you want to join Dumbledore's Army? This is too dangerous."

"Anything to help you guys!"

"More like for Harry-"

"Ron if you won't shut up I'll tell Hermione your secret if you tell mine."


Sixth Year

"He kissed Ginny, Ron. He kissed her."

"It's alright, Y/N. I'm sure someone better than Harry will enter your life and treat you better."

"Maybe, Ron. Maybe. But no one can be Harry in my eyes."


Seventh Year


"Ah, itty bitty Y/Ns here. Take the rest to the dungeons. I want to have a chat with miss L/N and mister Potter."




"Ron, please calm down I-"

"-No Hermione! Do you know who she is with?? That's Bellatrix Bloody Lestrange! She's the one who killed
T/N's parents! Who knows what that lunatic is going to do with my cousin!" Ron cuts off Hermione, his breathing going even faster than flash.

As the two were trying to calm down, ear piercing screams filled the whole Manor, scaring all the teens, even Draco.

"No, no that's- That's Y/N's scream. Merlin please make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!" Ron cried, the screams growing louder and louder every time Bellatrix would shout "Crucio!"


(A few minutes before Y/N gets tortured.)

"I can feel a strong connection between you two." Bellatrix grinned evilly before pointing her wand at


"NO!" Harry screamed, trying to break free from a Death Eater 's help, which just got stronger. "Surrender, Potter! Or she dies." Bellatrix threatened.

"No? Oh well, CRUCIO!" She yelled In pain again. Harry had enough,he broke free from the grip and shot a stupefy spell at the death eater that was holding him back, and shooting a Petrificus Totalus spell at Bellatrix before picking up Y/N and heading to the dungeons to free his friends.


As soon as they got out, they apperated back to Hogwarts and immediately ran to the Hospital Wing to cure Y/N, who fell unconscious on their way back.

"Thanks for saving her, mate." Ron thanked Harry, "No problem, Ron." He welcomed him.


A few hours later, Y/N woke up. She looked around the familiar room she was in before seeing Harry next to her.

"Harry?" She asked softly, the boys bead shot up to look at her. His frown turning into a smile as soon as he met her eyes.

"Oh thank Merlin you're alright! I was so worried." Harry grabbed her hand carefully before planting a kiss on it.

"Same, I thought I wasn't gonna see you or Ron anymore." She sighed, "I know this is really bad timing but I want to tell you something." Harry said.

"What is it?" She asked, Harry sighed. "Y/N, I love you. So much that I couldn't live without you. You were there for me in every situation I was in that you just- give me butterflies every time I see you. I love you so much that I can't bare to see you hurt like this. It's really okay if you don't feel the same and I could just leave if I made you unco-"

"-Harry, it's alright. A simple I love you is already okay." She chuckled.

"So does this mean you feel the same?" He asked, she nodded and he smiled in victory. "Yes!" He cheered.

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