He Still Loves You

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TW: Christian struggles

If you're not a Christian or whoever believes in God, please leave unless you want to stay. Because I am not gonna accept and welcome any hate comments about being a Christian. So please if you're gonna say something mean, just leave because this is for my Christian readers who are struggling with repenting or turning away from their sins and is insecure about God not loving them.

This doesn't take place in the 90's btw.

Y/N looked at the video she was just watching blankly. Her phone in hand and tears flowing down her cheeks.

Y/N knew it would be hard and she will have to face challenges as soon as she chooses to become a Christian.

But right now, she has a lot on her plate.

School has been rough, so stressing and confusing. The world moves too fast. She couldn't count the amount of times she cried in a month because of stress.

Then there with her relationship with God. She had been repeating the same sin she wanted to repent or turn awat from.

And she's been seeing a lot of videos about God on social media, most especially Tiktok.

She just watched a video that really confused her and she began to cry in confusion and frustration.

The video was about not living like the world. And a like that said something like, "Those who love the world, do not have the love of the Father."

She thought that no matter what, God will still love her. But this was just so confusing.

She had been trying to turn away from her sins, but she'd always end up doing them.

She had been trying her very best to pay attention but she'd end up confused and asking her classmates. Who would also be confused or didn't say or reply to her.

So stressed and tired, she lied down on her bed and cried. She trusted God, she loves Him but she's so tired. She knew and told herself that God still loves her but she keeps doubting herself because of the video she just saw.

She didn't even notice her boyfriend, Harry Potter enter the room.

Harry's eyes softened when he saw her on their shared bed, hugging her pillow as she cried onto it.

Harry sat next to her and hugged her.

"The same?" He asked. Y/N nodded. "I feel so stuck, Harry.  I just want to rest and not worry about anything. I tried, Harry. But I'm so tired. The weekends don't even look like the weekends to me anymore. And I thought Christians shouldn't scare people about their beliefs." She cried.

Harry rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"He stills loves you, you know?" He mumbled and brought her face to face him. "How are you so sure?" She sobbed, her glossy eyes staring into his blue orbs.

"Because of the amount of videos you send to me about Him." He said. "It taught me plenty of things. It taught me how to love my enemies, to respect them and love thy neighbor.  And that He will always love you. No matter what. So please don't lose faith in Him. Don't worry anymore because He's taking care of your problems right now." He added and wiped her tears away.

Y/N smiled at him and tackled him in a hug. "I'm so thankful to have you. Thank you so much, God." She thanked her Father,  who's smiling at her from above.

You know what is kinda sad and happy? Sad because this is based of a true story and happy because it just helped me feel better. Again, if you don't like anything related to God, please leave or delete the mean comments you have posted (IF you have posted some mean comments)

I hope this story made my fellow Christians feel better. God bless and I love you all

𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙹. 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 Where stories live. Discover now