
840 18 1

TW: none but i think theres slight angst

sentences that have ' ' are your thoughts btw

And pls play the song when you see a bold "."

chapter is kinda messy cause i dont really remember much abt the war

It was chaos everywhere.

Parts of what we all called "home" was falling apart.

And people who we called "family" were dying.

Y/N was running with her friend F/N and a few first to third years to find a safe place for them to stay.

As they were running, Y/N and F/N looked from left to right, to see if there was a Death Eater on their way to harm them and to cast spells to defend themselves.

But whenever Y/N would look, her heart would break whenever she sees her home falling apart.

In every part of Hogwarts was a precious memory.

But when she looked to her left, she saw the spot where she and the trio would hang out during their breaks.


Her mind immediately shifted to Harry after that thought.

A frown appeared on her face.

The two still haven't spoken to each other ever since that fight.

Did I drive you away?

I know what you'll say

Another memory came to her mind.

A memory when she and Harry were sitting near the Black Lake, talking about their favorite music.

The two laughed together when Harry said, "Oh, sing one we know."

Y/N's frown disappeared when she remembered their favorite song.

"But I promise you this,

I'll always look out for you.

Yeah, that's what I'll do."

But she shifted her mind away from those memories and focused on her task.

I say, "Oh"

A few minutes later, she and her friend found a place where the children could hide in and left after a professor came to accompany them.

The two continued to help and defend everyone from the Death Eaters until there was no more.

I say, "Oh"

It looked unusual that most of the Death Eaters disappeared but her mind was lost in thought again.

'My heart is yours.

It's you that I hold on to.

Yeah, that's what I do.

And I know, I was wrong.'

But she made a promise.

'But I won't let you down,'

Despite their argument, she still cared enough.

I said, "Oh"

But before she could run any further,  her friend stopped her and pointed towards the crowd,  where there was Voldemort with his Death Eaters and Hagrid, who was carrying Harry's dead body.

I cry, "Oh"

Y/N's eyes widened at the sight and covered her mouth.

She watched as Neville pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor before Harry got out of Hagrid's arms and casted a spell.

Yeah, I saw sparks

Everyone smiled at the sight of Harry being alive and at the sight of the noseless wizard looking surprised and frustrated.

Yeah, I saw sparks

And I saw sparks

Yeah, I saw sparks

Sing it out

Idk what to feel about this and im so sorry if there are any typos or grammar mistakes

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