Mini Maximoff

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Ginny and Harry aren't dating here :>

Tony is the Maximoff's father figure here, so they would call him pa or any dad name.

After the war, Harry, the Weasley's and Hermione decided to take a break from England and visit New York city.

As soon as they group got there, they went to a restaurant and ate a lot of delicious food, especially chicken.

After that, they went to look for a hotel and found one next to a very tall building and began to rest.

The next day they were separated into groups to explore the amazing yet crowded city.

The trio were grouped with Ginny and Bill while Molly and Arthur went with Percy, George and Charlie.

The first group went to a cute cafe and chilled there for a while before leaving again.

As they were going back to their hotel to get some money, a big piece of block came crashing down with a loud noise.

A few seconds after the huge object crashed down, the group were slightly tempted to take out their wands and defend themselves. But it was no longer needed because a few hero looking people came flying, swinging, and running to the scene.

"I told you it was a bad idea to test the gun." A man with a gold and red mask said. Then a girl with f/c (but purple, green or red suits it better but it's up to you) and black dress (knee length or longer) replied, "You never know til you try, pa." Then, a man who was wearing all red and blue laughed at them, so did a girl with red hair.

They all looked- amazing and mystic. But the girl who wore f/c and black caught Harry's eye.

"Oh, I think we have some guests." The girl with red hair said, making the other three's head turn to them.

"Not to be rude or anything- but who are you and where did you come from? I've never seen you guys before." Asked the other girl.

Harry snapped out of his daydream, "Oh uh- I'm Harry, and this is Hermione and the redheads are Ginny, Bill and Ron. We just came here yesterday and decided to roam around and here we are." He shyly smiled when the h/c girl smiled at him.

"Cool, I'm Tony Stark, I'm also known as Iron Man as you see-"

"I'm sure they've heard about you, Tony." The girl with red hair cuts off "Tony".

Tony scoffs, "Whatever, these two idiots," He tilted his head at the h/c girl and boy who was wearing all red and blue. "Are h/n (heroname) and Spiderman. And our savage badazz red head friend here is Natasha, Black Widow." He finished.

The group nodded but Hermione decided to ask, "Excuse me, Iron Man. But is there a reason why you couldn't reveal the other two's names?" Tony nodded his head at her question.

"Well, they can't tell other people their identities. They're still too young. So that's why they go by the name h/n and Spider boy." He said. "Mr. Stark, it's Spider-Man." Said Spider-Man. "Meh, whatever." Tony said and turned back to the group. "You better leave or one of you will get injured. See ya!" He said again before leaving with his group.

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