The Arrangement

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Suna stood before her mother while the finishing touches were placed on her frock. She was 6 and today was a very special day for her. Today she was to meet her fiancee for the first time. The Astrix family was a noble family of skeletons and it was only fitting the their daughter marry into another noble family, the Gaster family. Suna was the eldest after all. "Now don't go ruining your clothes now, child. You represent our clan. We must show the Gaster clan our deepest respects as well. They are our honored guests."
"Yes mother. I will not dishonor our family. I will make you and father proud." Merryweather, Suna's mother, chuckled. "Speaking of, he's awaiting us in the main room. Let us be off before the guests arrive."


She took her daughter's hand and led them down the halls to the main room where her father, Ninito, awaited them. His arms were thrumming on the arm rests of his throne. "There are my girls." He mused. "Webdings and Calibri will be here any minute." Merryweather brought Suna to her seat before taking her own. She folded her arms neatly in her lap. Suna looked to her mother and copied her mother, straightening her back and folding her arms in her lap neatly. She couldn't screw this up.


Soon three skeletons were shown in by a maiden. She didn't look like a skeleton. Her appearance was human. This was the Astrix families ability. All skeleton families had one ability, unique from the rest, and the Astrix could take human form. "Thank you, Spectra, you are dismissed." Ninito dismissed the maiden to leave the two clans be. Webdings bowed to the Astrix, it was their domain, after all. Calibri curtsied, and their son followed his father's lead. "I'm glad we could make it on this auspicious day." Webdings greeted. "Agreed. I'm glad you could make it, Lord Gaster." Ninito responded. "May I introduce my wife, Mistress Calibri, and my son, heir, and future husband to your daughter, Wingdings."
"Good morning, Lord Astrix."
"Good morning, Sir." The three lifted from their bows and curtsies. Ninito liked the boy, he was polite. He would make a good husband to his daughter. "I shall give you the courtesy of the same introductions." He took up one of Merryweather's hands. "This is Mistress Merryweather, my wife, and our daughter, heir, and future wife to your boy, Suna."
"I'm glad you could come, Lord Gaster."
"Good morning, Lord Gaster."
"Say.. Why don't you two go get to know each other. You will be wed one day, after all."
"It's a good idea, Lord Gaster. Off you go and no funny business." Ninito agreed.
Suna and Wingdings left the room.


Silence enveloped the children while Suna led Wingdings outside her home and into the compound. Neither knew not, what to say. They didn't want to dishonor their clans. Finally Suna broke the silence. "I know a place.. If you wish to speak freely."
"That.. Sounds fine. Where ever you wish to go, M'Lady." Suna smiled gently and led Wingdings to a quiet hill, filled with all sorts of multicolored flowers. It was beautiful. Suna sat in the flowers, beckoning for her fiancee to take a seat as well. This time Wingdings broke the silence. "If I may ask.. How old are you? I'm 10."
"I'm 6. Is it hard learning common? Your a dingbat font.. Right?"
"It was and I am. And you?"
"I'm a sans serif font. Suna Sans is my full first name. How does one speak Wingdings?"
"It's.. More like sign language. You cannot truly speak my font, though it does give me this accent. It is quite strange. What do you like to do?"
"I.. I like to read. And write. I want to be an author when I'm older. You?"
"I am into science. I want to learn everything and leave out nothing. Suna? Do you actually wish to marry me? I don't want you to force you into anything."
"We must. It is our duty."
"I know. But you don't know me and I don't know you. We shouldn't marry unless we wish it. That is how I truly feel." Silence ensued again. Wingdings was afraid he'd said something wrong while Suna stared hard at him. "I apologize.. I misstepped my bounds. We will talk of this no longer."
"No, no. Not at all. Your just.. Different than I imagined. I don't know if I wish to marry you yet. I wish to get to know you better first. I'll let you know, when that time comes." Wingdings nodded slowly. "That sounds like a plan, M'Lady."


The fiancee's spent all day getting to know each other. Learning hobbies, likes, dislikes, dreams, hopes, etc. Suna even learned the Gaster families ability to fold space in some sort of teleportation. She was amazed say the least. Eventually Wingdings and his family had to go, sometime around dusk. They decided to return in five days time for another meeting. This would continue for three more years, until war broke through the land and skeletons were all but killed off.

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