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Reading the material was the easy part. Understanding the material was the hard part. Wingdings was the scientist, not her. She had to do it to get him back though! Sans sauntered down. "progress?" Suna sighed heavily. "I remember how to read it, but I can't even begin to understand it's meaning.." She explained. "heh. kinda figured." Sans place his pointer on one part of the blueprints and started explaining the mechanics and simple, easy to understand words. She looked to her oldest. 'He's the scientist Wing had hoped for..' Sans was like his father, and Papyrus was like her. Yet both had characteristics of both parents. "Did you ever work with your father?"
"a little. before the fall. ya still listening?"
"I am, I'm just.. proud. I'm proud of the men you and Papyrus had become. You did so well with him."
"i tried.."
"You succeeded."


Sans helped Suna with the what goes where. Helped her fix the wiring and replace rusted over areas. "look at that. you're a natural mechanic." Sans praised. "Only with your help." She responded quickly. "i think with your determination, you would have figured it out yourself." He replied with an easy-going shrug. "Maybe. Luckily I don't have to figure it out myself. I have my smart son to teach me. Sans rubbed the back of his skull, embarrassed. "moooom..." He groaned, making her chuckle. "It's true!"
"still.." He checked the time. "pap is waiting. we should head up for the night." She agreed. She didn't like to keep dear, sweet Papyrus waiting for his fluffy bunny story. "Let's go then. We'll pick up tomorrow."


Her vision was red. She didn't know why. Why was everything red? It faded. The child, Frisk, was walking away from her. Out of habit, she checked them.


Atk: 38

Def: 4

HP: 99

LV: 20

Had MURDERED your sons.

If it was a fight they wanted, it was a fight they were going to get. She grit her teeth and attacked in fury, but they went right through them. "Is that all you've got?" They ended up behind her. The knife barely pressed against her spine before more bones shot up, forcing them away. She charged her blasters, firing at them. "FILTHY SON KILLER!" She picked them up with blue magic. "PAY FOR YOUR SINS!" She attempted to impale them, but they went through the child. What was this? Why wasn't anything working?! "Die like your boys did!" The knife was in her face, no time-


She reacted upon her nightmare, grabbing at the closest soul. "MOTHER! IT'S JUST ME!" Luckily she hadn't thrown Papyrus into a wall, she let go quickly. "Pap- Papyrus! I apologize!" The youngest hugged her close. "It's ok, mother. It was simply a nightmare. Sans just had one too.."
"That is why your up?"
"yup.." Sans came down tiredly. "and nows a good time as any. move over so pap and i can sit too?" She did so. What was Sans planning? "so.. the world just reset.. all the work done was lost."
"Reset?" Papyrus asked. "It did?" Suna asked. How did Sans know? "it did. a reset is what the kid does when they go back in time, pap, not that you even know who i'm talking about."
"..." Papyrus said nothing. "Is this.. one of the secrets you're keeping?" He asked slowly. Sans nodded. "there are three routes, pacifist, neutral, and genocide..."


Sans explained the routes and resets once more, this time to his brother. Papyrus listened, asking a question or to here or there, yet.. he didn't seem overly surprised. Sans explained that this was what he had nightmares about. "I think.. I've been dreaming of the genocides too.. you would die, and I was so furious and lost.."
"I.. was hoping they were simply reoccurring nightmares.. not.. not our reality." Papyrus said slowly. "wait what?"
"The genocides. Every time the human cut off my head, crushed it under boot.." Suna flinched. "I was hoping it was a nightmare."
"Could it be possible that everyone remembers, but takes it as a nightmare?" Suna asked. "maybe.. i truly wish it was.."
"so.. everything with the kid.. now that you know it isn't a nightmare, what do you think of them?" Sans asked anxiously. Papyrus put on a smile. "Why they are my friend of course! Anyone can change, and obviously they are not themselves when they do genocides so we are still friends!" Suna smiled. Stars Papyrus was such a sweetheart. Sans chuckled in relief. "good, good. you're right, they aren't themselves during genocides."
"I WANT TO TELL UNDYNE AND ALPHYS." Papyrus got real loud, real quick. "about.. the genocides?"
"I.. I want to know if they remember too.. they are our friends.. they deserve to know.."
"i.. sure, pap, mom and i could use some help on things, anyway." With that, Sans shortcutted into the kitchen. "SANS THE KITCHEN WAS ONLY 10 FEET AWAY!!"

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