A Weapon

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Suna has been back and forth quite a few times now. She'd had a few close calls with getting caught in the majors office, but all was well. Her feelings for her ex-fiancee were growing stronger as the days turned to weeks, than months. But she didn't want to push anything. It had to be his choice if they were going to follow through with the marriage or not. She was curious about one thing though. How'd he get that hole in his hand? She didn't want to seem rude, but.. how does one get a perfect circle in his palm. So after reporting to the king, she went to Wingdings tent. "Wingdings? WINGDINGS WHAT HAPPENED!?" She rushed in upon seeing the male skeleton in pain. He seemed to be trying to bandage his good hand, or what was his good hand. "Suna.. My apologies. I didn't think you'd be back so soon.." He hissed through gritted teeth. Suna went to help him, but the hand.. "A perfect circle.. just like your other hand.. why?"
"... a weapon. I was making you a weapon so if things ever went south with the humans, you could protect yourself."
"And you had to harm yourself to do so!? Honestly this was unbelievably stupid of you, Wing!" She finished bandaging his hand as she concluded her sentence, the nickname turning the males cheekbones purple. "I- I needed living bone matter to create the blaster. If it helps I've done it before when I made my own."
"Well no duh! If your other hand is anything to go by, it's just- please don't intentionally harm yourself again.. you scared the soul out of me."
"Alright, alright.. I promise." Wingdings drew his injured hand to himself. "My hand should be functional again in a few weeks, if it makes you feel better."
"It does. What does it look like anyway? The weapon?" The male smirked and snapped his fingers, summoning forth a large dragonic skull. "This is a blaster. It takes a bit of your magic, than amplifies it 100 fold and discharges it at your enemy. Very powerful. Very dangerous. Very necessary."
"Do I really need it..?"
"No.. but it would make me feel better if you had it. I do not want to see you hurt."
"Wing, I'll be.. ok. Let me know when it's done and I'll come to pick it up. Just.. be careful with that hand of yours." He smiled and hugged her. "I will. Thank you, for doing this."
"Anytime." Suna returned the gesture.


It's been a few weeks now. Wing was hard at work on the weapon, so she hung out with Grillby, helping him to train new recruites who wished to join the war effort. It was actually very enjoyable. "I suspect..." Grillby started one day as they were dishing dinner for the night. "...that you have feelings for a certain Scientist, hm?"
"I don't know of whom you speak."
"Uh-huh. And if someone told you he felt the same?"
"I wouldn't believe you. We broke it off in favor of our own choices." Suna crossed her arms. Grillby sighed. "Than you wouldn't be upset if I told you that Gaster is planning to propose to the one he loves on the king and queens wedding day." Her skull snapped to Grillby. "He is!?"
"He is." Grillby responded. Her soul throbbed, yet she put on her best fake smile. "Good for them. I truly wish them happiness." Grillby quirked a flaming brow, unable to tell if you were being genuine or not. Than he smiled. "As do I."


Suna was notified to go to the lab tent and not a moment to soon. She'd be leaving in a few days time anyways, back to the humans camp. She'd thought alot about what Grillby said. She did not know who Wingdings was courting, but she'd be happy for them. Wing was a good man, deserving of a lovely woman and would support his choice. She knew she'd eventually have to move on too, perhaps after the wedding.. "There you are. Wish to see it before I integrate your magic into it?"
"Oh! Yes. If I could." Wing led her to a sectioned off part of the lab and opened a curtain to reveal a more wolf shaped skull. "This will be yours. I will have to put you under, as to cause less stress on you, but you'll have it before you leave."
She traced her hands across it's muzzle. "Its amazing.."
"That it is.. that it is.."
"Well then.. shall we get started?"


A mask was fitted over Suna's face as she lay on a cot, ready for the integration of magic. "It will take awhile for it to work,, so.. uh.." 'Conversion topics, Wingdings, conversation topics!' "What would you name your kids, if any?" 'What an idiotic conversation topic, you dunce!' Wingdings reprimanded himself. "Well.. it depends. If the child were to.. say.. be a dingbat font I'd pick something like Zapf, or maybe just Dingbat." She chuckled. "Or perhaps a Sans Serif font like myself, if the child is a lowercase font. Open Sans, Fire Sans, or Comic Sans." She yawned a little. "If the font is upper case.. I always wanted to name a child.... Papyrus.." She drifted off as Wingdings took in this information. Than he got up. "Papyrus.. hm?"


Other than a slight dull ach in her soul, Suna woke up feeling great. After a few days for her magic to get used to the new weapon, Wingdings showed her how to summon and use it. It was more than she'd expected, say the least, and her limit of summonings was 8 blasters at once. It was more than Wingdings who could only summon 5 at once, "I'll be back before the wedding!" She called as she left on horseback for the humans camp. Her mind once more went to Wingdings, and she smiled.

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