A Memory

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"heh.. shoulda figured. only i seem to remember him because i was directly involved." Sans sighed. "Directly involved?" Suna asked. "i was there.. when i wasn't supposed to. dad died, protecting me. that catwalks are dangerous, i knew that but i still.."
"Enough Comic. I understand." She hugged her oldest. Papyrus was coming down with the human. "SOMETHING HAPPEN?"
"Your brother needs comfort. I may have pushed to much on certain topics." She said simply. I'd be up to Sans to explain what. That's all she would say on the matter for now. Papyrus nodded. "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL HELP YOU PROVIDE COMEFORT! BYE FRISK!"
"Bye." The human replied, seeing themself out. The rest of the day was filled with mother, sons cuddles.


"Is it hard learning common? Your a dingbat font.. Right?"
"It was and I am. And you?"
"I'm a sans serif font. Suna Sans is my full first name. How does one speak Wingdings?"
"It's.. More like sign language. You cannot truly speak my font, though it does give me this accent. It is quite strange. What do you like to do?"
"I.. I like to read. And write. I want to be an author when I'm older. You?"
"I am into science. I want to learn everything and leave out nothing. Suna? Do you actually wish to marry me? I don't want you to force you into anything."
"We must. It is our duty."
"I know. But you don't know me and I don't know you. We shouldn't marry unless we wish it. That is how I truly feel." Silence ensued again. Wingdings was afraid he'd said something wrong while Suna stared hard at him. "I apologize.. I misstepped my bounds. We will talk of this no longer."
"No, no. Not at all. Your just.. Different than I imagined. I don't know if I wish to marry you yet. I wish to get to know you better first. I'll let you know, when that time comes." Wingdings nodded slowly. "That sounds like a plan, M'Lady."


Suna woke up on the couch, with Papyrus asleep on the other end and Sans sleeping on their legs. The dream was already fading from her mind, though she knew it was a pleasant one. "I should write them down. I might be able to make a plot out of one of them." She whispered to herself. After untangling herself from her boys, she went to the bathroom. She realized she'd forgotten her jewelry in there. A necklace and a ring. She clipped on the heliodor pendant first. She remembered when she got this. It was Asgore and Toriel's wedding. Grillby had given it to her, saying it was from a secret admirer.


"Lady Suna. I come bearing a gift from your secret admirer." She looked to the flame monster. "A secret admirer? Since when did I have one of those, Grillby? Don't tell me it's you." He chuckled. "No. Though you are looking lovely today, Suna. I can't say who it is, but.." He placed a a box in my hands. "He's looking forward to seeing you." With that Grillby left, leaving her wondering who it was. She opened the rectangular purple box. Inside was a silver pendant. It had a heliodor gem in the center with four points. It was gorgeous. She clipped the clasp around her neck, letting it hang just above her dress line, near her clavicle. "Now, I'm ready."


Had she ever figured out who the secret admirer was? She couldn't remember. She picked up the ring and slipped it on. She could only assume it was from the boys father. Sadly, she couldn't remember that either. "I wish I could.." She murmured, looking at the purple upside down heart of the ring. It reminded her of something or someone. This color.. what.. was.. it..? She tried desperately to remember. A fuzzy memory surfaced. She glared at the ring. "Remember." It was clearing up, ever so slowly. "Remember.." She hissed. Images were coming through, sort of like a lense, in and out of focus. "Remember!" Her magic lit up and things became clear.


He cupped your hand in his and dropped down on one knee. "I've loved you from the time we were children, and when the clans were wiped out.. I never forgot about you. I missed you, so, so much. The moment you'd returned, was the happiest day of my life. Suna Sans Astrix, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest skeleton alive? Will you marry me?" At the last question he pulled a small box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a golden band with an amethyst in the center, in the shape of a monster soul. "Oh my.." If she thought the necklace was gorgeous, the ring was even more so. She couldn't even begin to describe. "Oh Wingdings yes!" He stood up, placed the ring in its proper spot, and cupped her cheekbones. "I've always wanted to do this." With that he placed his teeth on hers. When he pulled away he whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too."


She was panting, sockets wide and black with surprise. How could she have forgotten? "Wingdings.." Sans had said.. he fell down.. That meant Wing was dead? Now that she remembered, or at least remembered that her husband was Wingdings, she had questions. Questions only Sans could answer. She didn't need to bring up more bad memories though.. the questions could wait for now. Let Sans recover. She left the bathroom to make breakfast.

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