The Judge

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Suna looked at the cozy house her sons lived in. It was a nice little cabin house strung with Christmas lights. There were two mailboxes. Papyrus' was empty, while Sans' was jammed full. "Are you going to clean that..?" She pointed to the mailbox. "mmmm. maybe." Oh dear. Sans needed a mother's touch. "wait til ya see the inside." He opened the door, stepping to the side so she could go in first. She stepped in and looked around. There was a green sofa near the door with a small table with a book. Across the room was a dining table with a rock on it. The TV was on the other side of the couch, a sock with a string of notes attached. To the right was a kitchen. To the left was a set of stairs leading to two bedrooms. One door had stickers and such. The other had flames coming out the bottom. Between the bedrooms was a picture of a bone. The walls were maroon with zigzagged blue and purple carpeting. She could hear Papyrus in the kitchen. "This is a really nice place you boys have." She complimented. She sat on the couch and heard a jangle. "What..?" She dug through the couch and found 20 G. "Can I have this? I'm gonna need some clothes."
"sure, go ahead. there's a bathroom upstairs at the end of the hall."
"Thank you, Comic."


Sans brought Suna to the shop to buy clothes. It didn't take long. After that they returned home and Suna took a shower. It's been so long since she'd cleaned up. She chose out a simple black shirt with a leather jacket and faded blue jeans. A simple pair of red shoes typed of the look. Then she gathered the nerve to look at herself in the mirror, look at the scars. One ran diagonally an inch from the top of her left eye, down to her nose. The second was a fissure that ran between her eyes and up to the center of her forehead. The last was crack that ran to the side of her right eye a couple inches and stopped in a jagged 'chipped' scar. She flinched. It WAS bad. She sighed. "I should probably speak to Asgore about my position.." She went down to see Sans flicking through the channels. Papyrus was still in the kitchen. "I'm going back to the castle."
"need a lift?" He offered, shutting of the TV. "If you're willing."
"course. i want to help in anyway i can.. i.. i really missed you, mom." Suna hugged her eldest. "I missed you too." They shortcutted off.


"Asgore." The goat king chuckled. "Back so soon?" He paused. "And you've cleaned up rather well. What can I do for you?" Suna shuffled. "The job. The Judge." Asgore's mouth opened in a silent 'aw'. "Right. If you would like stay the Judge, you'll have to speak with the new Judge."
"New Judge?" She asked, tilting her head. "that'd be me." She looked to Sans. "Wait, seriously? You.. you became the Judge..?" Sans nodded, tucking his hands in his jacket pockets. "i'm real good at it.. like you." She shook her head, smiling a little. "Is it want what you want?" He nodded. "the job isn't easy.. but it is what i want. i feel like i'm playing my part. i'm trying to protect monster kind." She nodded. "Alright, so long as it's what you truly want. I don't. I only took up the job to protect you.. I've.. only wanted to be an author." Suna admitted laughing a little. Asgore quirked a brow? "An author? Unexpected, but it suits you." He laughed as well. "my bad to the bone mother an author." He chuckled. "look forward to reading your first book." She blinked and smiled. "Thanks, Comic."
"I suppose that settles that then."


When they returned home she went to the kitchen. She wasn't expecting what she saw. In place of her youngest son, was a human in his clothing with the same black hair as her and amber eyes. "So you take after me.." Papyrus stopped in his cooking for a moment, looking to Suna. "AH, WHY YES! I TEND TO TAKE THIS FORM ON OCCASION WHEN I'M EXCITED! I'VE NEVER HAD A MOM, YOU KNOW." She chuckled. "Well now you do, and I don't plan on leaving." She promised. "GOODIE!" He hugged her close then went back to cooking as the water started to boil over. "Need any help?" She offered. "SURE! ANYWAY TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU!"
"I'd like to get to know you as well, Pap. I want to know everything about my sons." She walked over to help. "So. What are you like?"

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