14 years After

66 5 2

Suna went to the hill she and Wingdings often sat at. She was picking flowers for her mother and the other women of her clan. The flowers up here were beautiful and bountiful. What a beautiful day. She had decided to switch to her human form, a fair skinned girl with black hair and golden brown eyes. She continued on, until a unusually warm breeze hit her from behind, carrying the scent of smoke, and the sound of her people, crying out for help. She whipped around, dropping the flowers. Her people were being dragged out of their burning homes, her parents included, and being taken to the main plaza. She wanted to help. She wanted to run down and hurt the humans. Instead she fell to knees. If she did that she'd end up like them. She watched in horror as they dusted one by one. She couldn't look away. Her father went down. Her mother went down. She watched. It truly was.. A beautiful day..


Suna walked to the major's tent. Ever since that day, she'd hidden among them. Mistaken to be human herself, they'd taken her in and she had been compiling data to take to the king of all monsters. She'd be his spy, even if she'd never met him. The skeleton families had been the first to go when the war started. The king hadn't been able to warn them. "Major? You'd asked for me?" She called from outside. "Yes, come in lieutenant." Suna slipped inside. "Good morning, Major, what did you need?"
"We've located the main monster base. I want you to observe them and report back once you've found a way to infiltrate." This was.. Perfect! "Me sir?"
"Yes you. Women are simply better at sneaking than men." She felt slightly erked. "Avoid fighting at all costs. Let the men sort that out." She sighed, not letting her irritation show through. "Yes Major."
"Go get ready." She surely hoped that the monsters weren't as.. Aggravating and against their women as the humans were. She went to fetch a horse and pack the essentials for her trip. Not to mention the years worth of information she'd collected from the army bases, the camps to worry about, the stats of the higher members of the army, the leaders, etc.


She raced to the camp that had been marked on the provided map. She was taking a break, letting her horse drink from the stream as she checked the map once more. The clopping of hooves sounded and in the distance she could see see a horse drawn wagon. Human soldiers flanked it. Inside was some beaten and battered monsters. A fish monster, a rabbit monster, and two dog monsters. She tensed. She couldn't let them.. Suna let her magic swirl as she took her skeleton form for the first time in years. She launched attacks at the soldiers first, knocking one out, and shoving the others back. She continued her assaults, not letting them fight back as the monsters escaped their imprisonment. The fishman helping the dogs and rabbit away. He made eye contact with her, seemingly grateful. When all of them had raced away she fled too. No reason to stay around. She took her human form again and galloped away as she fled the scene. The camp wasn't that far now.


Suna dug through the saddle bag for her notes. "I'll let them capture me in human form." She decided. "Its the easiest way to show the king.. I think." When they brought her there she'd give him the notes and reveal her monster form. She dismissed the notes into her inventory. She'd explain who she was and what she'd been doing all this time. She'd ask if she could become apart of the kingdom once more and continue spying for him. She tied up the horse and fed it before walking out into the open. Was this a good idea? It was to late to back out now. Monsters had already spotted her and were coming her way. She held her hands up. She'd left her weapons as not to be perceived as a threat. It worked as the guards bound her arms in rope. "What's a human like you doing wandering in monster territory?" A lizard monster hissed. "I need to see the king. I have valuable information he could use."
"We'll see 'bout that, girly." A fox monster snickered.


They took her to the kings tent. "Your majesty, we've caught a human. What shall we do with her?" Suna was pulled into the tent where the king, his fiancee, and four familiar monsters stood. It was the monsters she'd saved. "Your majesty." She tried to curtsy without her hands. "Hey! Don't talk unless spoken to, human!" The fox barked. "Wait, Syver. Speak human." The king, a young, blond goat monster addressed her. "My name is Miss Suna Sans Astrix. I've lived among the the humans for fourteen years, compiling information for you. I have it in my inventory." She explained. The monster gave her looks of uncertainty. "You speak as if you are not human?" The king noted. "Correct. I can make my appearance human but.." She activated her magic, changing her appearance once more to that of a skeleton. "You!" The fish monster recognized Suna immediately. "You're the skeleton that saved us!"
"I could not watch more monsters die. Not again." The king looked sympathetic. "I understand. Please, untie her. I wish to see this information she holds." The lizard untied her. She resummoned the papers and they were given to his majesty. "I am Toriel, by the way. You already know the new king, Asgore. I thought all skeletons were killed in the begining? Well most."
"Most were. I survived among the humans, pretending to be one." She nodded thoughtfully. "This.. This is wonderful.. How did you learn how to check?"
"My parents. Why?"
"Only the Judge had ever been known to check. Skeletons must be different?"
"I guess.."
"I suppose. I wish you to be checked by our scientist before you rest."
"Ah. If I must." Suna bid the majesties good bye and she was led away.

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