A Genocide

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"after 50 or so resets i gave up on building the machine and focused my attention on learning about frisk, chara, and the player." Sans concluded. Undyne and Alphys sat on the couch listening while Papyrus made tea and Suna checked on Toriel at Sans request. "So.. you're telling me... all those times the human KILLED Papyrus.. KILLED me.. THEY WERE REAL?!" Alphys glanced nervously at the fish lady. If that was true, that also meant that she and Undyne had also been together every pacifist route.. she blushed. "yeah.." Sans really didn't want her to explode. He already had a headache from the reset. "CALM DOWN AND HAVE SOME TEA, UNDYNE. IF THE GENOCIDES ARE REAL, THAT MEANS THE OTHER DREAMS WERE PROBABLY REAL TOO! WHICH MEANS WE'VE BEEN TO THE SURFACE!" He handed everyone tea. "WHERE IS MOTHER?"
"Th-the human?"
"She's no human, Al."
"I'm back. Toriel is fine and Frisk hasn't fallen yet." Suna closed the door behind her and sighed in relief. "good, we have time then."
"O-oh my stars, are you ok?!" Suna gave the dino a confused look. "Oh! I suppose they don't look as bad in my human form.. I'm fine, Dr. Alphys. Sans, I'm going to try and work on the machine now."
"WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA FIRST, MOTHER?" She smiled. "Of course, thank you, Pap."


The others were curious about the machine and after tea, followed the female skeleton to the cellar. The machine was unveiled once more, revealing the progress lost. "I can see why you gave up.. that was a lot of progress lost.." She was a tad discouraged, but far from ready to give up. She'd save her husband. "I remember what to do. I can get that progress back quicker." Sans looked to his mother. "heh. i'll help a bit before work." He decided. "Th-this is a masterpiece.. you made this Sans?"
"Once upon a time ago.." Her eldest replied. "Would anyone else like to help?" Alphys scurried over immediately. "Tell me what to do and I can try. I don't get nerdy science stuff." Undyne replied. "Me either, but I'm trying." Suna replied. "I WILL MAKE SURE EVERYONE HAS NUTRITION AND REFRESHMENTS!" Her youngest volunteered. "thanks bro."
"Thanks my boy." With his famous 'NYEH HEH HEH' he ran off to start lunch.


For awhile, that's what they did. Papyrus brought snacks and drinks while Undyne and Suna did the heavy lifting. Sans and Alphys did all the more scientific related things. "I hope Papyrus comes down with more water.." Alphys commented. Suna knew something was off, and looking at Sans, he knew it too. "i think.. it's genocide.."
"So he'll be.." Images of Papyrus with his head cut off came to mind. No, no.. "I can't lose... I can't lose my boys.. I just got you back!" She rushed towards the steps. "mom wait!" Sans appeared in front of her. "you can't stop this.. it's happened before. it'll be ok.." She tried to squirm past him. "I have to try!" Sans wouldn't let her. "you can't mom! you can't.." He looked down. "i wanted to as well, but.. it happens.. no matter what.." Tears were filling Sans sockets. She'd nearly forgotten he's been through before, multiple times. "Oh Comic.." She desired to protect her sons, as their mother, it was her duty. But if she couldn't physically protect Papyrus.. perhaps she could try and help Sans.. she hugged her eldest close. "Shh, shh Comic. It's ok.. It will be ok.." They both knew that was a lie. If it really was a genocide.. nothing would be ok, but it still comforted him, odd as it was. Was it because his mother was saying it?


One by one the others left. One by one the others died. Sans left to play his part as the Judge. She tried to stay out of it. Knowing that her sons were dead or going to die though.. it didn't sit right, to just stand by and wait. So she started running. She ran to the Riverperson's boat. "Hotland!" She was semi curious to how they weren't dead, but didn't question it. She had one more job.. as a Judge. From Hotland she thanked and tipped the RP quickly and started running again. Through Hotland, through New Home, and into the castle. She got there in team to see the player walking away from the pile of dust that was Sans. She grabbed the scarf and the coat. Putting them on, she grabbed the kids souls and threw them across the hall and into the furthest wall. From their she blasted them to smithereens. "Die dirty son killer."


They came back, shocked. Another skeleton? The shock faded quickly into bloodlust. Suna was already throwing bones at them. Have fought and beaten Sans, they dodged those easily, but Suna wasn't Sans. Her attacks were different. That's what got them. Her attacks were patterned from the war, meant for murdering generals, assassins, and top gun human warriors. They didn't last five seconds the first 6 tries.. but as always.. they learned. They got better. They got closer. She couldn't teleport or shortcut like Sans could. She could deflect though. She could dodge. She had a high HP and LV from the war. She could take more than one hit, even with the player's extremely high ATK. "Not this time, brat." She killed them again. Still, they came back. Still they got better. Still they worked to tire her out. It was working. Her reactions were starting to delay. Yellow sweat started to drip down her skull. She tried to keep up. She tried to keep going, but.. everyone dies eventually. They got behind her. A well placed stab between her ribs was all it took. She bled. At least.. she was joining her boys.. she smiled. "Burn in hell.... for your sins............ brat..." She hissed in wingdings. "...Comic......... Pap.............I'm coming.................my sons........" She gasped awake on the couch.

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