Chapter 22

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Finally making it to the beach I can only crawl towards where Alexandra and Avery are waiting. Every part of my body feels like jelly. I'm surprised I can still move. Hell, I'm surprised I'm still alive. What kind of training is this.

I quickly look back and realize that Nick is finally at the shoreline where the waves are breaking. He had a harder time with the swim than I did. We're both lucky that we didn't drown. 

I am almost to Alexandra and Avery when I try to speak. Words don't come out. Instead, I keep coughing. Before I could stop Nick falls right next to where I am.

"What kind of demon came up with this?" He asks clearly labored for breaths in between. 

He took a few big breaths before he began speaking again. "Fucking Mason kicked a shark on accident while we were swimming! Are you trying to kill us? Do you want us to die?"

Although I couldn't speak still, I felt exactly the same. How is this supposed to help us? We didn't work on any fighting techniques at all. How is drowning in the Pacific Ocean going to help me beat Austin?

"You're upset but it's all for a reason. Remember that as we go on." Avery stated in his usual matter-of-fact tone. 

Realization hit me and Nick at the exact same time. He said as we go on. This isn't the end of the training they were going to put us through. What the hell did we agree to?

"Well, I'm proud of you guys. Want to get something to eat before the next part?" Alexandra said in a sing-song voice as a way to cheer us up. It isn't working. However, if the next part is anything like this we need the food. 

I'm sure Nick was thinking the same thing since we both nodded at the same time. Both at a loss for what to say anymore. 

Alexandra walks up to me and holds out her hand. I realize that I'm still on my hands and knees with jelly for limbs. I grab her arm and she quickly pulls me up to my feet. "Can you walk okay?" She asks as she begins to walk still holding my hand. 

Avery helped Nick up and we begin to do the penguin waddle to the SUV they have waiting for us. V really does love his all-black SUVs. 

We pull up to an In-N-Out. Burgers would be amazing right now. I hope that Nick is thinking what I am thinking. We need to get them to talk and tell us about the rest of this training.

Getting out of the car I look over at Nick and he seems completely over the entire situation. He huffs the entire way into the restaurant. "Can I get 6 doubles, 4 fries, a chocolate, and a strawberry shake." 

"I'll take the same. Except for a drink instead of the shakes." I walk to go sit down. "Where are you going?"

Alexandra seems confused and I just shrug. "I'm sure you're treating since you almost killed us."

Nick chuckled as he walked to come sit down across from me at the table. I look at him as seriously as I can. "We need to do something. They aren't going to tell us what we are doing. It doesn't even feel like training at this point. Just torture."

"Yeah, I don't know why my dad agreed to this. How does this help me prepare to be an Alpha?"

We stop talking when they walk over to the table. Alexandra sat next to me and Avery next to Nick. The table was silent but Avery was the one to break the silence. 

"I'm sure you guys are still complaining about what happened and what is going on. The truth is it is training and you do need it. There are only two more steps to this extreme training and then we can move on to fighting. That is the easy part of your training."

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