Chapter 1

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Here it is as promised. It's taken me a while to upload this and it will probably be a while before I upload religiously. I do have a few chapters now that I can hopefully go through but wanted to get your thoughts on where the new book is going.

"Hello! Are you even listening to me?"

I shake my head to try and come out of my own thoughts. Cassie is looking at me annoyed as she waits for me to answer.

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

She sighs as she focuses back on the group and begins speaking again. This allows me to escape back into my thoughts. I know I really should be paying attention. We're at war right now.

Ever since Cassie's 16th birthday things have only gotten worse. My mind couldn't focus on that though. I was worried about Mason. He was challenged as the Alpha and I worried about the upcoming battle.

Cassie understood but had to worry about her own pack and problems. Ever since her party she's been more aggressive almost matching even V's temper.

"You may go." She announced to the room and we all got up. "Except for you."

I groan as I plop back down into my seat. "Talk."

I stayed silent for a while and she got up. I knew she was going to get my thoughts out of me willingly or by force.

"I'm worried about Mason." I cross my arms and try to look anywhere but her. "Then go see him."

My jawdropped at what she said. I couldn't just up and leave. I have responsibilities here.

Cassie began to tap her fingers impatiently. "I need to know if you're going to go so I can tell Nick that we need him for a week."

She was serious. I couldn't believe she was going to let me leave like that. The only question left was if Mason would let me.

"I would but-" Cassie threw a pen at me. A damn pen. Is she out of her mind?

"Just go. He isn't going to put you out." I hated her for throwing a pen at me but thankful that she said that.

No one knows Mason as well as she does so I accept what she tells me about him.
With a nod of my head, I stand to my feet. "Okay. I'll go."

"Great. Now go away. I have work to do."


Today had to be the most nerve-wracking day of my life. It was the day that I would see my daughter for the first time.

With everything that's been going on, I couldn't go out to Denver to be there for the birth but I sent for them as soon as the doctor said she could fly.

I had many regrets about hooking up with that human girl. Finding my mate made me ashamed of the choices that I had made. I was bringing in a child that wasn't hers.

She seemed to be okay with it but I wasn't okay with the burden I placed on her already.
"Alpha. Alexandra from the Night Stalker pack is here."

This couldn't be happening. What was she doing here? Cassie didn't say anything about a visit when we talked yesterday.

"Bring her here." Whatever it is I just need to get her out of here soon. I didn't want her to be here when Michelle came.

I paced back and forth waiting for them to hurry and bring Alexandra here. Michelle and the baby could be here at any moment.

"Alpha." My beta broke me off from my thoughts.

Without saying anything he looked to Alexandra and she came in.

I Can't be your Luna, I'm a WarriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon