Chapter 32

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It only took an hour to get through all of the traitor's punishment. That just left the female. The most shocking part was how had asked to enact the punishment.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Teddy asks a little worried but there is no changing Blaine's mind. "Yes. Alexandra has done nothing but help our pack. Even when we weren't trying to help ourselves. I can't forgive someone for trying to hurt her."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't touched by what Blaine had said. I will say that I'm a little disappointed that I won't be the one to enact the punishment.

"You'll tell me what to do right?" Blaine looked at Teddy who turned beet red in a matter of seconds. He did nod his head though, to let him know that he would help him.

Even the wolves holding her down was my own warriors. The Night Stalker pack are all watching from the sidelines.

"Alright she doesn't have gonads so what do you do first with her?" Blaine asked but I had answer since Teddy wasn't sure. "You can cut off the clitoris first or you can place the hot rod into her vagina to seal the fallopian tubes. Your choice really."

Blaine just shrugged as he answered. "I guess hot rod first so we can get that out of the way." I nod and go to take off her pants and underwear so that her lower half is exposed. Blaine quickly looks away disgusted.

"Eww. That's what vaginas look like? No offense Alexandra but it's disgusting." Even Cassie couldn't help but laugh at what he said. "You sure you still want to do it?" I asked him.

He takes a few big breathes while looking away before turning back. "Yes, I'm ready." I tell Paul to hold down tight through mindlink and Avery brings over the first rod while the other sits in the fire pit. Blaine grabs it and I leave to allow Teddy to talk his mate through the punishment.

"Okay you are going to go straight in for 3 to 4 inches to get past the cervix. Next you will pick either the left or right side and push it in that direction at an angle until you hit something." Teddy stopped when Blaine spoke up. "Something? What am I hitting?"

"You'll be hitting the top of the uterus, but you can't see it, so it doesn't matter. Hold it 10 seconds and pull it out. Avery will hand you another rod and you will do the exact same thing on the other side."

Blaine just kept nodding his head. "Yeah, I got this." He grabbed the rod from Avery and went to put in it inside. As soon as contact was made, she screamed, and Blaine dropped the rod and had to move quickly to not burn himself.

Teddy rolled his eyes as Avery came over annoyed holding out his hand to get the rod. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting that."

"You thought she would sit there quietly? It's painful. She's going to scream until she passes out. Paul and Nate are holding her down. The least you could do is get this over with quickly." All Blaine could do was nod holding his head down as Teddy chastised him. I'm sure he is over the punishments and wants it to be done already.

Avery brought the other rod and Blaine took it. He seemed more determined after getting an earful from Teddy. With no hesitation he stuck the rod in, ignoring her screams this time. "Okay now pick a side and go towards an angle."

Blaine positioned the rod right so it would go to the left and quickly pushed the rod. The eardrum bursting scream didn't seem to bother him this time around. "Alright. Now hold for 10 seconds." Blaine did as he was told. "Now take it out quickly." After the rod was out, he looked up at Teddy. "Good job."

He beamed getting the praise from Teddy. They are so cute it's disgusting sometimes. The moment was ruined when Teddy reminded Blaine of his job. "One more to go."

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