Chapter 28

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I watch as Mason has Austin beat. He has his right arm wrapped around his neck and is tightening his grip the longer he goes without yielding. Suddenly, within a blink of an eye, I see a shadow run up and rush into Mason knocking him across the field.

I get up from my crouched position to go and help but Avery quickly grabs my arm and pulls me back down. "Not yet."

I look at Avery bewildered. "If not now, when?" I ask annoyed. It was supposed to be a fight between Mason and Austin. One of his wolves broke the rules of the challenge, which means it's a free for all at this point.

My head turns on its own when I hear Austin yelling. "Aiden the fight wasn't over. Just give me a change to," I still. I recognize that he is the wolf that V is having problems with. I realize why a little better to why Avery wants us to wait.

Aiden answered Austin back. "To get your neck snapped. Your fight was futile, but I could still use you. We take the pack by force." I look at Avery hoping that was enough to get us to help them fight.

Avery however didn't seem like he intended to help them. I grew more and more anxious. My chest was getting tight from anticipation. I could barely keep my breathing steady. Avery just looked at me and smiled. "Just hold on a little longer."

I didn't understand what he meant about that. Soon I seen figures coming towards us. Avery didn't seem to care. "Who is it?" I ask, hoping to get an answer.

"Nick," I hear Alexandra say. I realize that it's Alexandra and her protection team. They also had another female wolf I didn't know. "What happened to her?" I ask realizing that she was unconscious.

"I punched her." Smiley said simply. I look to everyone else expecting to get an explanation. Instead, I witnessed Smiley lose his smile for the first time. "So, V was right? That piece of shit is here."

I thought that I was bursting at the seams for a fight, but Smiley was more on edge than I was. Avery and Smiley are the only ones here to see Aiden before. To know what he can do. The only person or reason I've seen Smiley not smile. "How long?" Is all he said after that.

"Shouldn't be too long. Hopefully they can hold out." They both looked at Mason's men.

Alexandra moans and I looked on as Teddy rushed towards her. "Are you okay? Are the nutrients working?" Alexandra just motioned him away.

"You guys don't have to help but you can't expect me to just sit by and do nothing." She tried to walk towards the open field, but Smiley quickly stepped in front of her. "Move Smiley. I won't ask again."

"You couldn't stop me even if you wanted me to. That's why you are here with us and not with them. You will wait." Alexandra didn't seem to agree but didn't press the matter further. Knowing her she is probably thinking up a way to get out there.

Last I heard she still couldn't shift so it's probably better if she stays out of this one. As if I cue, I hear the howls of wolves and realize that Mason and his men had shifted into their wolves and were ready to fight. Even outnumbered they didn't seem to think of running or backing down.

Then the fighting started. It took every ounce of my self-control to stop me from helping in the fight. I'm trying to trust Avery and his plan but it's hard. I look over and see Alexandra is in the same position as me. These are her wolves, her pack, she trained them and had to just watch as they fought without her.

Honestly, they were doing a great job and holding their own. "Is that Caleb?" Alexandra asks kind of surprised. "I think so. He's smaller than the others." Avery answers her.

"I didn't know he could shift. Honestly his wolf isn't that small considering his human size." Avery nods his head at Alexandra in agreeance. "Although I'm sure he was supposed to leave if something like this happened."

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