Chapter 15

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It felt good to be back in Mason's territory. I stop myself as I realize it is now mine as well. I left a warrior and came back a Luna. Feels kind of weird just thinking about it.

"You space out a lot Angel." I glare in Mason's direction. "Yeah, Cassie told me."

He laughs as he holds his hand out for me to get out of the car. Standing at the doorway is Avery, as stoic as ever. I also notice that the young wolf from before is looking out of one of the windows on the second floor.

"Mason." He stops to turn and look at me. "What was that wolf's name again?"

"Caleb." He says with a sigh. He quickly turns back around and walks over to Avery to probably see how things went while he was gone.

Not wanting to miss out I take larger strides to quickly catch up and hear what was happening at the pack while we were gone.

"I take it that your visit went well." Avery looked at me and I blushed. Yes everyone could tell but it was still embarrassing that everyone knew.

"Very. How did everything go here?" Yes, that's what I would like to know too.

I looked up to Avery expectantly. I'm sure nothing happened because Avery runs a tight ship. There is a reason that V kept him around all of these years.

"Overall it was quite a boring experience. Without all the paperwork and peculiars as an Alpha things were easy. The young wolf-"

"I'm sorry I told him to be on his best behavior." Mason quickly cut in.

"Oh no he didn't say a single word the entire time you were gone. Nor cause any trouble. There is just something different about him that I haven't experienced in a while so I can't quite put my finger on it. What is his background?" Avery seemed genuinely intrigued. It kind of reminded me of Dr. Billings when he runs into something about us he wants to figure out.

Mason seemed taken aback by everything Avery just told him. "Well, he came to us last year when he was 13. We know nothing about his parents or his past. We took him to the Karuk Tribe because he was so small. All they told us was that he didn't have the right nutrients to enter his initial growth from his puberty."

Avery just rubbed his chin as he hummed. "Interesting."

I looked between both of them a little confused. I had no idea who the Karuk Tribe was but if there was any concern about him, I'd rather he get checked by Dr. Billings.

"Moving on. Paul was quite helpful with finding younger males to join as warriors. Seemed most of the capable wolves were turned off by the old regime which makes sense. Of course, more will be needed but you have 10 young and strong wolves that just need training. I'm sure with me and their Luna it shouldn't take long."

That was good to hear. We were so susceptible to attacks since we have little to no treaties and even worse warriors. One less thing to worry about so we can focus on Mason and his upcoming challenge.

"Thank you, Avery. You helped more than you can imagine."

Avery gave a quick nod back to Mason and we walked into the house. Caleb was waiting at the top of the stairs. "So she is a part of our pack now, right?"

"Yes, she is. This is your Luna. I'll make an announcement later. For now, we need to recover from our trip and move her into our room." Mason smiled at me and I felt a tingle through my body. So glad that he is finally mine.

I go to my office after we moved everything Alexandra had into the room. She quickly passed out after that. Makes sense with the last few days we had. I, however, had work to do.

Blaine is already inside with his head thrown back. "Why the hell did I have to come with you?! Look at all this!" He yells with bewildered eyes.

"So you could meet your mate," I state bluntly.

He quickly looked at his phone with a smile on his face. "I should text him and tell him that I made it home safely."

It was so annoying in a good way that he had something else to obsess over other than my love life. "What took you so long anyway? You and Alexandra can't keep your hands to yourself?" He tried to wiggle his eyebrows in a suggestive way but he just looked like a fool.

"She had to move, remember?" Blaine's 'oh yeah' face is something I'm used to seeing. He is very forgetful unless it's something you wish he would forget.

"So what did you talk to V about before we left?" Blaine asks me without looking up from his paperwork.

"Alexandra," I answer shortly. "What about her?"

"Her heat and the potential threat that can arise from it." Blaine just nodded. "What about Teddy?"

"What about him?" I'm sure he wanted to know when Teddy could come with us to our pack but he isn't wording it that way.

He throws daggers at me with his sideways glance. "When is he coming here?"

"I honestly don't know. He is a part of their medical team and he hasn't told his father yet. But V is aware and knows it's a matter of time." Blaine pouted at my answer. I'm sure he wanted him to come back with us today but it isn't realistic to drag a 15-year-old half breed away from his safe pack to our ridiculously unsecured pack.

"What are we going to do about Austin?" The one thing I didn't want to answer because I honestly didn't know.

I look over at Blaine and just shrug. " I don't know."

"Well we have a month and three weeks left to figure it out," Blaine states optimistically.

"Or we can figure it out now." Both Blaine and my head whipped over to the door and see Alexandra has joined us. "You don't know how to knock?"

"So about this Austin problem. I figure me and Avery will be the best to help you get ready for your challenge. We will alternate between training the new warriors and training you personally." I tuned out the last bit she was ranting about.

All I could do is stare at her when she got this excited about something. First I saw it with Dr. Billings, now with me. Although it's nothing to get excited over.

"Are you even listening?" Her words cut through my daydream like a hot knife through butter.

I just scratch my chin and look at Blaine. "Honestly, no I wasn't."

Alexandra walked the few steps towards me and grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me in my chair until I was looking up at her. "Listen here, Alpha. I didn't come all the way here to be ignored. Now we are going to go over your workout plan and you are going to listen. Do you understand me?"

I could do nothing but nod at her in response. Was she always this forward? I can say that I appreciate it right now

"Good. So like I said me and Avery will alternate every week between training you and training the new warriors." She let go of my shoulders and walked around to sit at the chair in front of my desk.

"What will we be doing?" I ask honestly wondering what they could teach me that I couldn't learn on my own. "It's a secret."

I chuckle to myself and just nod. "Also, I will help with some paperwork. Cassie does it with V and it will clear up time so you can train more."

I opened my mouth to argue but she held up her hand to stop me. The crazy part is I actually obeyed. "Honestly I think your biggest problem is your lack of time. Blaine and I can pick up the slack for now."

"Why am I being brought into this?" Blaine whined but Alexandra just ignored him. "Agreed?"

Alexandra held out her hand expecting me to shake it. At this point, I had nothing to lose and I was stuck with this female for the rest of my life so I probably shouldn't irritate her.

I grab her hand and give it one firm shake. "Deal."

Hey, guys I know this is short but I wanted to give you something after that long stint of writer's block. The next one will be back to its normal length. Thanks for the love and support even though I make you all wait so much 😭

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